Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese

Access Request Form
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Please, fill in all the details. After reading and accepting the access conditions, you should send your access request form. An access password will then be provided by email. You will need the username and password to download the corpus files.

User Name
University or  Organisation 

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Terms and Conditions:

I, USER NAME, hereby request permission to download for scholarly purposes via anonymous ftp, the text files of the Tycho Brahe Parsed Corpus of Historical Portuguese (TBCHP). I agree by this request to adhere to the following conditions of use:

User has read the terms and conditions of use (here) and agrees to the conditions of use as described there. Specifically:

  1. User acknowledges that the TBCHP is subject to copyright restrictions and agrees to abide by them, as well as to notify all associates who access the material of the copyright restrictions. User acknowledges that violations of copyright restrictions may result in legal liability.

  2. User will make no commercial use of the TBCHP without prior permission.

  3. User will not redistribute the downloaded TBCHP to others except in limited passages under the ordinary standards of scholarly citation.

  4. User will not disclose to others the password needed for access to the corpus.

  5. User will acknowledge the TBCHP in any written work or oral presentations based on research using these materials.

  6. User acknowledges that the distributor of the TBCHP makes no warranties, express or implied, concerning the TBCHP, including but not limited to their ownership, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The distributors shall not be liable for any direct, consequential, punitive or other damages suffered by user or any other person resulting from the use of the distributed materials.


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