Revised version 2007-2008 (alfa)
Charlotte Galves

O. The syntactic annotation system proposed here follows the philosophy and the general scheme for syntactic annotation proposed in the annotation manual for the Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English. In this manual, we present an outline of this general annotation scheme, with special reference to Portuguese.

The examples were drawn from the parsed files already available (nov. 2008) in the Tycho Brahe Corpus - Aires (a001), Alorna (a003) and Barros (b001)

1 Noun Phrases

Noun Phrases are codified as NP

NP is projected not only in the presence of a noun, accompanied or not by a specifier or complement, but also with strong pronouns and clitics, demonstratives, quantifiers, numbers or possessive pronouns acting as Noun phrases. NP* also dominates free relative clauses (FRL). NPs are either labelled by function, or co-indexed with a null category (*exp* or *).

NP-SBJ = subject NP
NP-ACC = direct object NP
NP-DAT = indirect object NP (for clitics)
NP-GEN = genitive NP (for traces of clitics inside NPs, and resumptive possessive pronouns)
NP-LFD = left dislocated NP
NP-ADV = adverbial NP
NP-VOC = vocative NP
NP-PRN = appositive or parenthetical NP
NP-SE = non argumental SE clitics (passive, indeterminate, inherent)

1.1 Subject NP (NP-SBJ)

1.1.1 in finite sentences

All finite sentences have a phrase labelled NP-SBJ, which can be null (*exp*, *pro*, *arb* or *T*) or lexicalized.

see below
null subjects
see below SE-constructions

1.1.2 Subject NP (NP-SBJ) in infinitival sentences

When the subject of a non-finite clause is not lexically realized, no null category is inserted, except in the case of

- null subjects of inflected infinitival verbs
  (CP-ADV (C porque)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ-2 *exp*)
			  (PP (P sem)
			      (NP (N dúvida)))
			  (SR-R seria)
			  (NP-2 (D o)
				(N instrumento)
				(ADJ glorioso)
				(PP (PP (P de)
					(IP-INF (NP-SBJ *pro*)
						(VB-F restaurarmos)
						(NP-ACC (D-F a) (NPR Índia))))
 (ID B_001,26.246))
- arbitrary subjects of infinitival complements to causative verbs.
 (IP-MAT-2 (CONJ e)
		      (PP (P entre)
			  (NP (D este) (N concurso)))
		      (NP-SBJ (D-UM um)
			      (NPR Nigromántico)
			      (, ,)
			      (CP-REL (WNP-6 (WPRO que))
				      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-6)
					      (NP-5 (CL se))
					      (VB-D fazia)
					      (IP-INF (NP-SBJ *arb*)
						      (VB obedecer)
						      (NP-DAT *-5)
						      (ADVP (ADVP (ADJ pronta))
							    (, ,)
							    (CONJP (CONJ e)
								   (ADVP (ADV acertadamente))))
						      (PP (P de)
							  (NP (D-UM um) (N bruto))))))))
	    (. .))
  (ID B_001,36.319))

1.1.3 Subjects in Small clause

Every small clause has a subject.

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-F-P As)
		  (N-P gentes)
		  (ADJP (VB-AN-F-P penetradas)
			(PP (PP (P de)
				(NP (N admiração))
				(, ,))
			    (CONJP (CONJ e)
				   (PP (P de)
				       (NP (N respeito))))))
		  (, ,))
	  (VB-P acham)
	  (IP-SMC (ADJP (VB-AN-P unidos)
			(PP (P em)
			    (NP (PRO$-F Vossa) (NPR Majestade))))
		  (NP-SBJ (Q-P muitos)
			  (N-P atributos)
			  (ADJ-P gloriosos)
			  (, ,)
			  (CP-REL (WNP-11 (WPRO que))
				  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-11)
					  (ADVP (ADV raramente))
					  (NP-ACC (CL se))
					  (VB-D puderam)
					  (VB unir)
					  (ADVP (ADV bem))))))
	  (. ;))
  (ID AIRES,03.13))

Empty subjects will only be used when the subject has been moved out of the small clause. This is the typical case of clitic subjects and topicalized or wh-extracted subjects.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NP-2 (CL nos))
	  (VB-P faz)
	  (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-2)
		  (ADJP (ADJ-G-P sensíveis)
			(PP (D-F-P as)
			    (NP (N-P atenções)
				(, ,)
				(CP-REL (WNP-73 (WPRO que))
					(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ-74 *T*-73)
						(HV-P hão-@)
						(PP (P @de)
						    (IP-INF (VB dirigir-@)
							    (NP-SE-74 (CL @se))))
						(PP (P a@)
						    (NP (D-F @a) (PRO$-F nossa) (N insensibilidade)))))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID AIRES,12.105))
NB. Secondary predicates are not to be marked as Small clauses with empty subjects. Rather they should be treated as ADJP-SPR sister of VB.

( (IP-MAT (CP-ADV (C Enquanto)
		  (IP-SUB (VB-D corria)
			  (ADJP-SPR (ADV-R tão) (ADJ belo))
			  (NP-SBJ (D o) (N tempo))
			  (PP (P em)
			      (NP (NP (NPR Lisboa))
				  (CONJP (CONJ e)
					 (NP (PRO$-P seus) (N-P arredores)))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (NP-SBJ (PRO$-F minha) (NPR Avó))
	  (, ,)
	  (PP (P em)
	      (NP (NPR Londres)))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-D diligenciava))
  (ID ALORNA,135.2129))
Related topics:

Subject NPs with 'ser' (
PP subjects of small clauses (see)
More about Clitics and clitic climbing (see)
More about Small Clauses (see)
Other categories that can be subject (Quantifiers, IP-INF and CP-THT)

1.2 Direct object NPs (NP-ACC)

Noun phrases acting as a verbal internal argument are labelled NP-ACC.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D O) (NPR General) (NPR Lille))
	  (VB-D ocupava)
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (D-F a) (PRO$-F sua) (N divisão)))
	  (NP-ACC (D o)
		  (N sul)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D o) (NPR Tejo)))))
  (ID ALORNA,92.1435))
Complements of verbs like haver, non presentational ser (presentational ser,
see), and parecer are also labelled NP-ACC.
 (CP-ADV (C porque)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
			  (PP (P até)
			      (NP (NPR Mafra)))
			  (HV-D havia)
			  (NP-ACC (NUM quatro)
				  (N-P mudas)
				  (PP (P em)
				      (NP (D-F a) (N estrada))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,07.54))
 ( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-F Esta))
	  (SR-D foi)
	  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
		  (ADJP (ADV-R mais) (ADJ-F vitoriosa))
		  (N cena)
		  (PP (P d@)
		      (NP (D @aquele) (N teatro))))
	  (. ;))
  (ID B_001,37.333))
Predicate NPs in Small Clauses are also labelled NP-ACC.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D nomeou)
	  (IP-SMC (NP (PRO$ seu) (ADJ-G Ajudante) (NPR General))
		  (PP-SBJ (P a)
			  (NP (D o) (PRO$ seu) (N vigário) (ADJ-G geral))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,76.1165))

1.3 NP-DAT

me, te, argumental se, nos, vos, when being indirect object, and lhe(s) are labelled NP-DAT
( (IP-MAT (VB-D Escondeu)
	  (NP-DAT (CL nos))
	  (NP-SBJ (D o) (N tempo))
	  (NP-ACC (D-P os)
		  (N-P casos)
		  (ADJ-G-P particulares)
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-REL (WPP-1 (P com)
				 (NP (WPRO que)))
			  (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
				  (PP (P n@)
				      (NP (D-F @esta) (N campanha)))
				  (VB-D derrotou)
				  (NP-ACC (D o)
					  (N partido)
					  (PP (P d@)
					      (NP (D @o) (N Inferno))))
				  (NP-SBJ (D o) (PRO$ nosso) (N Guerreiro) (ADJ-G forte)))))
	  (. .))
  (ID B_001,53.462))

1.4 NP-GEN

Two cases arise:

1) when the clitic 'lhe' is interpreted as a possessive pronoun, NP-GEN dominates the trace of its clitic inside NP (see below
section on Clitics)
                          (VB-D contraiu)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (ADJ puro) (N sentimento)))
			  (NP-ACC (D-UM-F uma)
				  (N doença)
				  (, ,)
				  (CP-REL (WNP-4 (WPRO$ cuja) (N violência))
					  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-4)
						  (PP (P com)
						      (NP (ADJ-G grande)
							  (N mágoa)
							  (PP (P de)
							      (NP (Q-P todos)))))
						  (NP-3 (CL lhe))
						  (VB-D tirou)
						  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
							  (N vida)
							  (NP-GEN *-3)))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID B_001,99.792))
2) when a possessive pronoun refers to a left-dislocated phrase, it is dominated by the label NP-GEN-RSP
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ-2 *exp*)
	  (PP-LFD (P de@)
		  (NP (D-F-P @as) (ADJ-R-G-P maiores) (NPR-P Monarquias)))
	  (ADVP (ADV ainda))
	  (NP-SE-2 (CL se))
	  (VB-P ignora)
	  (CP-QUE (WNP-1 (WPRO quem))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-1)
			  (SR-D foram)
			  (NP-ACC (NP-GEN-RSP (PRO$-P seus))
				  (ADJ-P primeiros)
				  (N-P fundadores))))
	  (. .))
  (ID AIRES,23.363))

1.5 Left dislocated NP (NP-LFD)

Left dislocated NPs are parsed NP-LFD with no other extra label associated to them. If there exists a resumptive category, it is labelled -RSP
( (IP-MAT (ADVP (ADV porém))
	  (NP-LFD (CP-FRL (WNP-91 (D o) (WPRO que))
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-91)
				  (VB-P perde)
				  (NP-ACC (D-F a) (N honra)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (NEG não)
	  (NP-DAT-RSP (CL lhe))
	  (VB-P serve)
	  (PP (P de)
	      (NP (N alívio)))
	  (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
		  (N vida)
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-REL (WNP-92 (WPRO que))
			  (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-92)
				  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				  (VB-P conserva))))
	  (, :)
  (ID AIRES,12.121))

( (IP-MAT (NP-LFD (D-UM um)
		  (N lugar)
		  (ADJP (ADV-R tão) (ADJ sagrado)))
	  (, ,)
	  (ADVP (CONJ-NEG nem) (ADV sempre))
	  (NP-ACC-RSP (CL o))
	  (VB-P consideram)
	  (NP-SBJ (D-P os) (N-P homens))
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (N imunidade)))
	  (. .))
  (ID AIRES,35.609))

     ( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-5)
	  (NP-LFD (D-F-P aquelas)
		  (CP-REL (CP-REL (WNP-2 (WPRO que))
				  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-2)
					  (VB-P parecem)
					  (ADJP (ADJ-F-P negras))))
			  (, ,)
			  (CONJP (CP-REL (WNP-3 (WPRO que))
					 (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-3)
						 (VB-P passam)
						 (PP (P em)
						     (NP (N silêncio))))))
			  (, ,)
			  (CONJP (CONJ e)
				 (CP-REL (WNP-4 (WPRO que))
					 (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-4)
						 (ADVP (ADV apenas))
						 (NP-SE (CL se))
						 (VB-P movem))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (NP-RSP-5 (D-F-P essas))
	  (SR-P são)
	  (CP-CLF (WPP-1 (P de@)
			 (ADVP (WADV @onde)))
		  (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
			  (NP-SBJ (D o) (N perigo))
			  (SR-P é)
			  (ADJP (ADJ certo))))
	  (. :))
  (ID AIRES,122.2854))
In some cases, there is no resumptive element, or the resumptive element refers to a sub-part of the dislocated phrase.

Following the PPCME Scheme, no co-indexation is annotated in this case, unless the resumptive element is in a different clause and empty. In this case, the annotation is the one normally assigned to movement, with the null category *ICH*.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-LFD-1 (D esse))
	  (CP-ADV (C quando)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *ICH*-1)
			  (VB-P vem)))
	  (, ,)
	  (ADVP (ADV já))
	  (NP-SBJ (PRO nós))
	  (ET-P estamos)
	  (, ,)
	  (ADJP (CONJ ou)
		(ADJP (VB-AN-P abatidos)
		      (PP (P de)
			  (NP (N tristeza))))
		(, ,)
		(CONJP (CONJ ou)
		       (ADJP (ADJ-P cheios)
			     (PP (P de)
				 (NP (N alegria))))))
	  (. :))
  (ID AIRES,60.1233))
NB. When the resumptive element is a displaced clitic, the RSP label is assigned to the NP which dominates the clitic, and not to its trace.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-4)
	  (NP-LFD (D-F Esta))
	  (CP-CLF (WNP-2 (D o) (WPRO que))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-2)
			  (NP-RSP-3 (CL a))
			  (VB-P faz)
			  (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-3)
				  (ADJP (ADJ-F criminosa)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (SR-P é)
	  (NP-4 (D o)
		(IP-INF (VB conhecer-@)
			(NP-ACC (CL @a))))
	  (. ;))
  (ID AIRES,111.2593))

1.6 Adverbial NP (NP-ADV)

Noun phrases acting as an adverb are parsed NP-ADV.
( (IP-MAT (VB-D Jantavam)
	  (ADVP (ADV igualmente))
	  (NP-ADV (Q-F-P muitas) (N-P vezes))
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (D-F a) (PRO$-F nossa) (N mesa)))
	  (NP-SBJ (NUM dois)
		  (ADJ-G-P célebres)
		  (, ,)
		  (N-P leigos)
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-REL (WPP-1 (P por)
				 (NP (WPRO quem)))
			  (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
				  (NP-SBJ (PRO$-F nossa)
					  (NPR Avó)
					  (NP-PRN (NPR Fronteira)))
				  (TR-D tinha)
				  (NP-ACC (D-F a) (ADJ-R-G maior) (N devoção)))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,77.1186))

1.7 Vocative NP (NP-VOC)

Vocative NPs are labelled NP-VOC.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NP-VOC (NPR Senhor))
	  (, :)
	  (VB Ofereço)
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (PRO$-F Vossa) (NPR Majestade)))
	  (NP-ACC (D-F-P as)
		  (NPR-P Reflexões)
		  (PP (P sobre)
		      (NP (D-F a)
			  (N vaidade)
			  (PP (P de@)
			      (NP (D-P @os) (N-P homens))))))
	  (. ;))
  (ID AIRES,03.1))

1.8 Appositive NP (NP-PRN)

Appositive NPs, also called parenthetical in the PPCME syntactic annotation system, are parsed under the following notation:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NP-ADV (Q-F-P Muitas) (N-P vezes))
	  (NP-1 (CL o))
	  (VB-D vi)
	  (PP (P em)
	      (NP (N casa)
		  (PP (PP (P de)
			  (NP (NPR Dom)
			      (NPR Caetano)
			      (PP (P de)
				  (NP (NPR Lencastre)))
			      (, ,)
			      (NP-PRN (N avô)
				      (PP (P de)
					  (NP (D o)
					      (ADJ-G atual)
					      (NPR Conde)
					      (PP (P de)
						  (NP (D-F-P as) (N-P Alcaçovas))))))))
		      (, ,)
		      (CONJP (CONJ e)
			     (PP (P de)
				 (NP (PRO$-F minha)
				     (NPR tia)
				     (, ,)
				     (NP-PRN (P a)
					     (NP (NPR Marquesa)
						 (PP (P de)
						     (NP (NPR Castello) (NPR Melhor)))))))))))
	  (, ,)
  (ID ALORNA,77.1190))
See also

2. Clitic Pronouns

As other pronouns, clitics are immediatly dominated by NP. The functions associated with NPs which dominate a clitic pronoun are listed below

 (IP-GER (VB-G encarregando)
			      (NP-ACC (CL o))
			      (NP-ADV (Q-F-P muitas) (N-P vezes))
			      (PP (P de)
				  (NP (N-P negócios) (PRO$-P seus)))))
	    (, ,))
  (ID ALORNA,31.432))
         		      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
			      (SR-RA fora)
			      (NP-2 (PRO ele))
			      (CP-CLF (WNP-1 0)
				      (C que)
				      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
					      (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
					      (VB-RA fizera)
					      (NP-ACC (D-F-P as) (N-P honras) (ADJ-G-P fúnebres)))))))
	  (. !)) 
	  (ID ALORNA,06.41))  	     
NB. When the clitic pronoun 'se' is reflexive or reciprocal, it is assigned the syntactic labels NP-ACC, NP-DAT, according to its function in the clause, like the other clitics.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (ADVP (ADV ainda) (ADV assim))
	  (, ,)
	  (NP-ADV (Q-F-P muitas) (N-P vezes))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-D pedia)
	  (NP-ACC (N licença)
		  (PP (P para)
		      (IP-INF (NP-ACC (CL se))
			      (VB cobrir))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,20.263))
In its other functions (middle, passive, indeterminate), it is dominated by NP-SE (see below).

NB. In case of ambiguity between reflexive and inherent interpretation of SE, ACC/DAT is the default annotation.


NP-GEN is the label used when the clitic lhe is interpreted as referring to an empty possessive inside NP.
( (IP-MAT-4 (CONJ e)
	    (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	    (VB-D mandava)
	    (NP-ACC (D o) (PRO$ seu) (N escudeiro))
	    (, ,)
	    (NP-ADV (VB-AN-F-P repetidas) (N-P vezes))
	    (, ,)
	    (PP (P a)
		(IP-INF (VB ver)
			(NP-ACC (CL nos))))
	    (, ,)
	    (IP-MAT-PRN-4 (NP-ADV (Q-F-P algumas))
			  (PP (P a)
			      (NP (D-F-P as)
				  (NUM três)
				  (N-P horas)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (NP (D-F a) (N noite)))))
			  (, ,)
			  (PP (P com)
			      (NP (N ordem)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (IP-INF (IP-INF (NP-2 (CL nos))
						      (VB tomar)
						      (NP-ACC (D o)
							      (N pulso)
							      (NP-GEN *-2)))
					      (CONJP (CONJ e)
						     (IP-INF (VB ver)
							     (NP-ACC (D-F a)
								     (N língua)
								     (NP-GEN *-2))))))))
			  (, ,)
	    (. .)) (ID ALORNA,66.1001))
( (IP-MAT (PP (P em@)
	      (NP (D-F @esta)))
	  (NP-SE-1 (CL se))
	  (VB-D fundou)
	  (NP-SBJ-1 (D o)
		    (ADJ primeiro)
		    (N anúncio)
		    (PP (P de@)
			(NP (D-F @a) (N felicidade) (ADJ-F Portuguesa))))
	  (. ,)) (ID AIRES,04.18))
cf. also
SE constructions

2.1 Enclisis and mesoclisis

In the morphological annotation, enclisis and mesoclisis are annotated by means of special sub-tags on the verb (VB+CL, VB!CL). This creates a problem for the syntactic annotation since the argumental position of the enclitic pronoun is always empty . In the first version of the syntactic annotation, this problem was solved by means of the co-indexation of the clitic with an empty category. In the current version of the morphological annotation, the clitic is separated from the verb, so that it can be treated as a regular argument.

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (PP-LFD-6 (P A)
		    (NP (ADJP (ADJP (ADV-R tão) (ADJ expressa))
			      (, ,)
			      (CONJP (CONJ e)
				     (ADJX (VB-AN-F declarada))))
			(N vontade)
			(PP (PP (P d@)
				(NP (NPR @elRei)))
			    (, ,)
			    (CONJP (CONJ e)
				   (PP (P d@)
				       (NP (D @o) (N Príncipe)))))))
	  (. ;)
	  (VB-D determinou)
	  (IP-INF (IP-INF (PP *ICH*-6)
			  (VB sujeitar)
			  (NP-ACC (CL se)))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (IP-INF (VB dar)
				 (NP-ACC (N tempo))
				 (PP (P a@)
				     (NP (D @o) (N tempo))))))
	  (, ,)
  (ID B_001,66.496))

( (IP-MAT (VB-D Começaram)
	  (NP-SBJ (D-P os) (ADJ-R-G-P maiores) (N-P engenhos))
	  (PP (P a)
	      (IP-INF (VB estimá)
		      (NP-ACC (CL lo))
		      (PP (P com)
			  (NP (ADJ-F respeitosa) (N veneração)))))
	  (. .))
  (ID B_001,37.338))

2.2 Clitic clusters

The linear order of clitics in clitic clusters is captured by the relative order of the annotated NPs:
 (IP-MAT-2 (CONJ e)
		      (ADJP (ADV-R tão) (ADJ-F excessiva))
		      (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N dor)))
	    (, ,)
	    (CP-DEG-3 (C que)
		      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
			      (CODE )
			      (CP-CMP (WADVP-4 0)
				      (C como)
				      (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-4)
					      (VB-D referia)
					      (, ,)
					      (NP-SBJ (CP-FRL (WNP-5 (WPRO quem))
							      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-5)
								      (NP-DAT (CL lh@))
								      (NP-ACC (CL @o))
								      (VB-D ouviu))))))
			      (CODE <_paren>)
			      (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
			      (VB-D pareceu)
			      (, ,)
			      (CP-THT (C que)
				      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
					      (VB-D morria)))))
	    (. .)) (ID B_001,7.66))

2.3 Clitic Climbing

An empty category * is annotated inside the IP where the clitic originates. This empty category is dominated by a NP which bears the function of the clitic in this clause. The category which dominates the clitic itself in the higher clause bears no function but is co-indexed with the trace of the clitic.

2.3.1 Complement clitic climbing

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Deus))
	  (NP-1 (CL os))
	  (VB-D queria)
	  (IP-INF (NP-ACC *-1)
		  (VB juntar))
	  (. !)) (ID ALORNA,45.654))

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D Fazia)
	  (NP-1 (CL se))
	  (IP-INF (NP-ACC *-1)
		  (VB conduzir)
		  (PP (P em)
		      (NP (D-UM-F uma)
			  (N cadeira)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (N-P rodas)))))
		  (PP (P por)
		      (NP (NUM-F duas)
			  (ADJ-F-P pretas)
			  (PP-PRN (ADV já)
				  (P de)
				  (NP (ADJ-F certa) (N idade))))))) (ID ALORNA,107.1664))

2.3.2 Subject clitic climbing

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D mandava)
	  (NP-3 (CL a))
	  (IP-INF (NP-SBJ *-3)
		  (VB cerzir)
		  (NP-ACC (D-F a) (N baeta)))
	  (, ,)
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,89.1367))

2.4 Clitic doubling

Clitic doubling is annotated by means of co-indexation of a null category inside the phrase with contains the clitic and the phrase which contains the pronoun (normally a PP)
	( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-P ama-@)
	  (NP-ACC (CL @se)
		  (PP-PRN *ICH*-1))
	  (PP-PRN-1 (P a)
		    (NP (PRO si)))
	  (. ,)) (ID AIRES,93.2130))
NB. Clitic-doubling must be distinguished from resumptive clitics, as in the following examples:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO ela))
	  (PP-LFD (P a)
		  (NP (PRO si) (FP mesma)))
	  (NP-ACC-RSP (CL se))
	  (VB-P namora)
	  (. ,)) (ID AIRES,93.2128))

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (PP-LFD (P a)
		  (NP (PRO si)))
	  (NP-ACC-RSP (CL se))
	  (VB-P busca)
	  (. ,)) (ID AIRES,93.2129))

2.5 Clitics conjoined with NPs

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NP-ADV (Q-F-P Muitas) (N-P vezes))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C quando)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
			  (ET-D estava)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (N semana)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (NP-ACC (CL me)
		  (CONJP *ICH*-1))
	  (VB-D levava)
	  (, ,)
	  (CONJP-1 (CONJ e)
		   (PP (P a)
		       (NP (PRO$ meu) (N irmão))))
	  (, ,)
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (NPR Queluz)))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,05.31))

3. Prepositional Phrases (PP)

Following the PPCME parsing scheme, PPs (i) are headed by a preposition; (ii) take NP or non-finite clausal complements and (iii) particles or adverbs specifiers

cf. also Adverbial clauses (

PPs can be associated to the following sub-tags:

3.1. PP-ACC

This label is used for the cases in which the preposition 'a' precedes the direct object of a transitive verb:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-P Buscamos)
	  (PP-ACC (P a) (NPR Deus))
	  (CP-ADV (C quando)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D o) (N mundo))
			  (NP-ACC (CL nos))
			  (NEG não)
			  (VB-P busca)))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,19.279))

3.2 PP-SBJ

This label is used when subjects of small clauses either surface as, or are co-indexed with, a PP.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-P chamamos)
	  (IP-SMC (IP-SMC (PP-SBJ (P @a)
				  (D-F a@)
				  (NP (N compaixão)))
			  (NP-ACC (N fraqueza)))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (IP-SMC (PP-SBJ (P @a)
					 (NP (D-F a@) (N inumanidade)))
				 (NP-ACC (N valor)))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,44.823))

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-P Os)
		  (N-P homens)
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-REL (WPP-2 (P a)
				 (NP (WPRO quem)))
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
					  (N concorrência)
					  (PP (P de)
					      (NP (N-P acasos) (ADJ-G-P felices))))
				  (VB-P faz)
				  (IP-INF (VB chamar)
					  (IP-SMC (PP-SBJ *T*-2)
						  (ADJP (ADJ-G-P grandes)))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-P presumem)
	  (, ,)
	  (. :)) (ID AIRES,32.548))

3.3 Left dislocated PPs (PP-LFD)

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (PP-LFD (P @a)
		  (NP (D-F a@) (N mulher)))
	  (NP-SBJ (Q-P todos))
	  (NP-ACC-RSP (CL a))
	  (VB-P idolatram)
	  (PP (P por)
	      (ADJP (ADJ-F fermosa)))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,39.704))

3.4 Parenthetical PPs (PP-PRN)

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NP-ADV (Q-F-P Todas) (D-F-P as) (N-P semanas))
	  (TR-D tínhamos)
	  (NP-ACC (ADJ-G-P alegres) (N-P recepções))
	  (PP (P em)
	      (NP (N casa)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D-P os))
		      (NPR-P Condes)
		      (PP (P de)
			  (NP (NPR Rio) (NPR Maior))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (PP-PRN (P a)
		  (NP (D-F a) (VB-AN-F Annunciada)))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,146.2329))
NB. The location of PPs in the structure is generally straightforward. However, some cases are ambiguous. The default option is to locate PP as high as possible.

3.5 PP-LOC

(to be added)

3.6 Modifying the PP

PPs can be modified by several elements: Qs, ADVs, Focus particles, SENAO.

In this case the modifying element is sister of the preposition:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NEG Não)
	  (NP-SE (CL se))
	  (VB-D falava)
	  (PP (SENAO senão)
	      (P em)
	      (IP-INF (NP-DAT (CL nos))
		      (VB mandar)
		      (IP-INF (VB fazer)
			      (NP-ACC (N-P sapatos)
				      (PP (P de)
					  (NP (NP (N-P saltos) (VB-AN-P encarnados))
					      (CONJP (CONJ e)
						     (NP (ADJ-G-P grandes) (N-P fivelas)))))))))

4. Adjective Phrases (AdjP)

4.1 ADJP projections

ADJP is projected when (i) the adjective is one of the arguments of a copular sentence;
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (Q Tudo))
	  (PP (P em@)
	      (NP (D @o) (N mundo)))
	  (SR-P é)
	  (ADJP (ADJ vão))
	  (. ,)) (ID AIRES,20.289))
(ii) it has complements or specifiers;
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-P Os)
		  (N-P homens)
		  (ADJP (ADV-R mais) (ADJ-P vaidosos)))
	  (SR-P são)
	  (NP-ACC (D-P os)
		  (ADJP (ADV-R mais)
			(ADJ-P próprios)
			(PP (P para)
			    (NP (D-F a) (N sociedade)))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,21.339))
(iii) it enters in a coordination relation (see section about coordination below),
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO$-F Minha) (NPR Mãe))
	  (VB-D pertencia)
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (D-UM-F uma)
		  (ADJP (ADJ-G ilustre) (CONJ e) (ADJ-F numerosa))
		  (N família)
		  (ADJ-F hanoveriana)
		  (, ,)
		  (NP-PRN (D-P os)
			  (NPR-P Condes)
			  (P de)
			  (NP (NPR Oyenhausen)))
		  (, ,)
		  (ADJP (ADV bem)
			(VB-AN-F conhecida)
			(PP (P em)
			    (NP (D-F a) (NPR Alemanha))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,05.23))
(iv) it is the predicate of secondary predicate constructions (ADJP-SPR), or of a small clause
  (VB-D queria)
			    (FP só)
			    (PP (P por)
				(NP (N prémio)
				    (PP (P d@)
					(NP (D @o) (N valimento)))))
			    (NP-ACC (D o)
				    (IP-INF (VB viver)
					    (ADJP-SPR (ADJ-G pobre))))))
	  (. .)) (ID B_001,26.229))

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-F A) (N vaidade))
	  (NP-DAT (CL nos))
	  (VB-P ensina)
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ-3 (D-F-P as) (N-P acções) (ADJ-F-P heróicas))
			  (NP-3 (CL se))
			  (VB-P fazem)
			  (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-3)
				  (ADJP (ADJ-G-P imortais)))
			  (PP (P por)
			      (NP (N meio)
				  (PP (P de@)
				      (NP (D-F-P @as)
					  (N-P narrações)
					  (PP (P de@)
					      (NP (D-F @a) (N história)))))))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,22.348))
(v) it is the argument of estar, parecer, permanecer, e ficar.
 ( (IP-MAT (PP (P Em)
	      (NP (D-F a)
		  (N descida)
		  (PP (P de) (N-P Chelleiros))))
	  (VB-D caiu)
	  (NP-DAT (CL me))
	  (NP-SBJ (D o)
		  (N cavalo)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D-F-P as) (N-P varas))))
	  (, ,)
	  (IP-GER (VB-G escapando)
		  (NP-SBJ (PRO eu))
		  (PP (P por)
		      (NP (N milagre)))
		  (PP (P de)
		      (IP-INF (IP-INF (VB sair)
				      (PP (P por)
					  (NP (D-F a) (NPR sege)))
				      (ADVP (ADV fora)))
			      (, ,)
			      (CONJP (CONJ e)
				     (IP-INF (VB ficar)
					     (ADVP (ADV talvez))
					     (ADJP (VB-AN morto)))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,07.60))
(vi) it is the complement of a prepositional head:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-P Os) (ADJ-G-P liberais))
	  (, ,)
	  (PP (P em)
	      (NP (D aquele) (N tempo)))
	  (, ,)
	  (SR-D eram)
	  (VB-AN-P reputados)
	  (ADVP (ADV injustamente))
	  (PP (P por)
	      (ADJP (VB-AN-P afrancesados)))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,12.142))
Participial adjectives will be codified as ADJP in these contexts or when coordinated with an adjective.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (ADVP (ADV além)
		(PP (P de@) (DEM @isto)))
	  (, ,)
	  (NP-LFD-1 (D-F-P as) (N-P letras))
	  (VB-P parece)
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *ICH*-1)
			  (TR-P têm)
			  (NP-ACC (ADV-R mais) (N fortuna))
			  (, ,)
			  (CP-ADV (C quando)
				  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
					  (ET-P estão)
					  (ADJP (VB-AN-F-P separadas)
						(PP (P de@)
						    (NP (D @o)
							(N lugar)
							(CP-REL (WPP-55 (P em)
									(NP (WPRO que)))
								(IP-SUB (PP *T*-55)
									(NP-SBJ *pro*)
									(VB-D nasceram))))))))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,09.87))
Nevertheless, in passive constructions, no ADJP is projected.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-F-P As)
		  (ADV-R mais)
		  (PP (P de@)
		      (NP (D-F-P @as) (N-P cousas))))
	  (TR-P têm)
	  (NP-ACC (Q-P muitos)
		  (N-P modos)
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-REL (WPP-1 (P em)
				 (NP (WPRO que)))
			  (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
				  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				  (VB-P podem)
				  (IP-INF (SR ser) (VB-AN-F-P consideradas)))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,18.254))
No ADJP is projected inside NP when a single adjective has no complement or specifier.
( (IP-MAT (VB-P Trazem)
	  (NP-SBJ (D-P os) (N-P homens))
	  (PP (P entre)
	      (NP (PRO si)))
	  (NP-ACC (D-UM-F uma)
		  (ADJ-F contínua)
		  (N guerra)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (N vaidade))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,13.130))
See also IP-PPL and RRC

5. Adverbial Phrases (AdvP)

Similarly to AdjP, AdvP is projected when an adverb categorically or semantically selects arguments or specifiers, when a coordination relationship between adverbs is established, or when it is selected by a preposition. ADVP is also projected when the adverb is immediately dominated by IP.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ-2 *pro*)
	  (SR-D foi)
	  (ADVP (ADV depois))
	  (NP-ACC (NPR Governador)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (NPR Arzilla))
		      (, ,)
		      (CP-REL (WADVP-3 (WADV onde))
			      (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-3)
				      (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				      (VB-D morreu)
				      (PP (P em)
					  (NP (NPR 1545)))))))
	  (. :)) (ID ALORNA,03.4))
No ADVP is projected inside ADJP when there is a single adverb modifying the adjective.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NP (D-F A) (N liberalidade))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (NP (D-F a) (N ambição)))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (NP (D-F a) (N avareza))))
	  (, ,)
	  (SR-P são)
	  (ADJP (ADV ordinariamente) (ADJ-G-P incompatíveis))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,14.140))
  NB. 'Também' (also), 'ainda' (still) and 'já' (already) can be tagged as focus particles.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-ADV (D-UM-F uma) (N vez))
	  (NP-SBJ (D-UM um)
		  (N oficial)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D-F a)
			  (N legião)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (D o) (ADJ meio) (N dia))))))
	  (VB-D pretendeu)
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-UM um) (N criado))
			  (NP-ACC (CL o))
			  (TR-D tinha)
			  (VB-PP insultado)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (D-F a) (N janela)))
			  (, ,)
			  (ADVP (FP já)
				(ADV fora)
				(PP (P de)
				    (NP (N-P horas))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-CAR (WNP-1 (D o) (WPRO que))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
			  (SR-D era)
			  (ADVP (ADV completamente))
			  (ADJP (ADJ falso))))
	  (, ,))
  (ID ALORNA,52.784))

6. Floating quantifiers

Floating 'todo(a)' -all- is immediately dominated by IP*
( (CP-EXL (CONJ Mas)
	  (WNP (WD que) (Q muito))
	  (, ,)
	  (NP-VOC (NPR Senhor))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F-P as) (N-P vaidades))
			  (ET-SP estejam)
			  (PP (FP só)
			      (P a@)
			      (NP (D-P @os)
				  (N-P pés)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (NP (PRO$-F Vossa) (NPR Majestade)))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C se)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F-P as) (N-P virtudes))
			  (NP-ACC (CL o))
			  (VB-P ocupam)
			  (Q todo)))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,03.5))

( (IP-MAT (PP (P por)
	      (NP (DEM isso)))
	  (NP-SBJ (D-F-P as)
		  (N-P disposições)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (PRO$-F Vossa) (NPR Majestade))))
	  (Q-F-P todas)
	  (SR-P são)
	  (ADJP (ADJ-F-P justas))
	  (. ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C porque)
		  (IP-SUB (PP (P com)
			      (NP (PRO elas)))
			  (NP-ACC (CL se))
			  (VB-P justifica)
			  (NP-SBJ (NPR Deus))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,04.35))

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (ADVP (ADV Já))
	  (NP-DAT (CL lhes))
	  (VB-D parecia)
	  (CP-THT (CP-THT (C que)
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				  (NP-ACC (CL o))
				  (TR-D tinham)
				  (Q todo)
				  (ADVP (ADV debaixo)
					(PP (P de@)
					    (NP (D @o) (PRO$ seu) (N poder))))))
		  (, ;)
		  (ID AIRES,58.1190))
In cases it can be assigned a syntactic function, a NP bearing this function is projected.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (Q-P Todos))
	  (VB-P sabem)
	  (, ,)
	  (NP-VOC (NPR Senhor))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (ADVP (ADV antes)
				(CP-ADV (C que)
					(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F-P as) (PRO$-F-P nossas) (N-P vozes))
						(VB-SD aclamassem)
						(PP-ACC (P a)
							(NP (PRO$-F Vossa) (NPR Majestade))))))
			  (ADVP (ADV já))
			  (NP-ACC (CL o))
			  (TR-D tinham)
			  (VB-PP aclamado)
			  (NP-SBJ (D-P os) (PRO$-P nossos) (N-P corações))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,05.40))

( (IP-MAT (VB-D Assentiram)
	  (NP-SBJ (Q-P todos))
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (D este) (N parecer)))
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (N aplauso)))
	  (, ,)
	 (ID B_001,45.410))

7. Empty categories

- Referential null subject (*pro*)
- Expletive null subject (*exp*)
- Empty subjects in causative construction (*arb*) - Displaced subject of a small clause (*)
- Traces of an operator (*T*) (see CP-REL, CP-FRL, CP-CMP, CP-QUE, CP-CLF)
- Trace left by clitic climbing (*)
- Traces of extraposed constituents (*ICH* 'Interpret constituent here')
- Traces of left-dislocated constituents (*ICH*)
- Null category or null operator (0) (see CP-THT, CP-CMP, CP-CLF)

Obs. - as in Kroch and Taylor, empty objects (apart from traces) are not indicated since they are too difficult to distinguish from intransitive uses of transitive verbs."

7.1 Null subjects in finite clauses

7.1.1 Null referential subject: NP-SBJ *pro*

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D excitavam)
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (PRO ele)))
	  (PP (P a)
	      (IP-INF (VB seguir)))
	  (PP (P por)
	      (NP (ADJ-G-P semelhantes) (N-P passos)))
	  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
		  (N conquista)
		  (PP (P d@)
		      (NP (D-F-P @as) (N-P almas))))
	  (. .)) (ID B_001,10.84))
NB. There is no special annotation for the null subjects of coordinated sentences, since in a language like Portuguese, they are indistinguishable from each other.

7.1.2 Null expletive subject: NP-SBJ *exp*

*exp* is used in the following cases: with 'weather verbs'

					  (ADJP (ADV bem) (ADJ-G triste))
					  (ET-D estava)
					  (NP-SBJ (PRO ele))
					  (, ,)
					  (CP-ADV (C porque)
						  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
							  (VB-D chovia))))
				  (, ,))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,64.964)) with the impersonal verb 'haver'

The internal argument of 'haver' is marked NP-ACC
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (HV-P Há)
	  (NP-ACC (N-P cenas)
		  (CP-REL (CP-REL (WNP-3 (WPRO que))
				  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-3)
					  (VB-P ficam)
					  (PP (P em)
					      (NP (D-F a)
						  (N imaginação)
						  (PP (P de)
						      (NP (D-F-P as) (N-P crianças)))))))
			  (CONJP (CONJ e)
				 (CP-REL (WNP-4 (WPRO que))
					 (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-4)
						 (ADVP (ADV-NEG nunca))
						 (NP-SE (CL se))
						 (VB-P desvanecem))))))
	  (. !)) (ID ALORNA,06.39))
NB. When haver agrees with its post-verbal argument, *exp* is co-indexed with this argument, which bears no function.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (ADVP (ADV assim))
	  (CP-ADV (C enquanto)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*-1)
			  (HV-SR houverem)
			  (NP-1 (N-P cores) (, ,) (N-P sombras) (, ,) (CONJ e) (N-P pretextos))))
	  (, ,)
	  (HV-P hão-@)
	  (PP (P @de)
	      (IP-INF (VB padecer)))
	  (NP-SBJ (NP (D-F a) (N verdade))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (NP (D-F a) (N justiça)))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (NP (D-F a) (N virtude))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,146.3446)) as subjects of extraposed sentencial subject verbs:

In this case, *exp* is co-indexed with the extraposed CP or IP-INF

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *exp*-1)
	  (VB-P consta)
	  (PP (P de)
	      (NP (D-F-P as)
		  (N-P correspondências)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (N família)))))
	  (CP-THT-1 (WNP (WPRO que))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
			  (HV-D havia)
			  (NP-ACC (P a)
				  (ADJ-R-G maior)
				  (N intimidade)
				  (PP (P entre)
				      (NP (NP (D-P os) (PRO$-P meus) (N-P antepassados))
					  (CONJP (CONJ e)
						 (NP (D-P os) (N-P religiosos))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,11.121))

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
	  (PP (P sobre)
	      (NP (PRO eles)))
	  (SR-D foi)
	  (VB-AN mandado)
	  (IP-INF-2 (NP-SBJ *exp*)
		    (VB ouvir)
		    (NP-ACC (D o)
			    (ADJP (ADV bem) (VB-AN conhecido))
			    (NPR Desembargador)
			    (PP (P de)
				(NP (D o) (NPR Paço)))
			    (, ,)
			    (NP-PRN (NPR Castello))
			    (, ,)
			    (CP-REL (WNP-1 (D o) (WPRO qual))
				    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
					    (VB-D respondeu)
					    (CP-THT (C 'que)
						    (, ,)
						    (IP-SUB (PP (P por)
								(NP (D-F a) (N extravagância)))
							    (, ,)
							    (SR-D eram)
							    (NP-SBJ (PRO eles))
							    (ADVP (ADV-R mais)
								  (PP *ICH*-3))
							    (NP-ACC (N obra)
								    (PP (P de)
									(NP (N poeta))))
							    (PP-3 (P de)
								  (CP-CMP (WNP-4 (D o) (WPRO que))
									  (IP-SUB (NP-MSR *T*-4)
										  (PP (P de)
										      (NP (N-P conspiradores'))))))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,16.190))
clausal subject verbs:

- constar
- resultar
- custar
- vir
- importar
- cumprir as subject of the copular verb 'ser' in presentational sentences

In this case, *exp* is co-indexed with the post-verbal NP
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-3)
	  (SR-D Eram)
	  (NP-3 (N despedidas)
		(PP (P de)
		    (NP (N-P parentes)
			(CONJ e)
			(N-P amigos)
			(CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
				(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ-1 *T*)
					(NP-ACC (CL se))
					(VB-D apartavam)
					(, ,)
					(NP-PRN (D-F a)
						(ADJ-R-G maior)
						(N parte)
						(PP (P de)
						    (NP (PRO eles))))
						  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,30.429))

	(IP-MAT-PRN (NP-SBJ *exp*-5)
                    (SR-R seriam)
                    (NP-5 (NUM três)
			  (N-P horas)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (D-F a) (N tarde)))))
		  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,32.450))

NB. This notation easily extends to the cases in which the expletive is lexically realized, as in 'isto são horas'

see also cleft sentences

Corresponding to an empty demonstrative (isso)
	      (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	      (PP (P por)
		  (NP (DEM isso)))
	      (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
	      (VB-P digo)
	      (CP-THT (C que)
		      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
			      (SR-P é)
			      (ADJP (ADJ exato))))
	      (. :)) (ID ALORNA,16.182))

7.2 Null subjects in infinitival sentences

In infinitival sentences, null subjects are annotated in two cases:

(i) when the verb is overtly inflected. In the 3rd person singular, which is sometimes ambiguous, the default value is the absence of subject.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NUM Dois)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D-P os)
			  (PRO$-P nossos)
			  (N-P companheiros)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (N brincadeira)))))
		  (, ,)
		  (ADJP (ADV-R mais)
			(VB-AN-P avançados)
			(PP (P em)
			    (NP (N idade)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-D tiveram)
	  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
		  (ADJ-G triste)
		  (N idéia)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (IP-INF (NP-SBJ *pro*)
			      (VB-F fazerem)
			      (NP-ACC (D-UM um) (N balouço)))))
	  (, ,)
	(ID ALORNA,13.152))
(ii) with arbitrary subject in ECM infinitive (NP-SBJ *arb*) The arbitrary subject of an infinitive governed by an ECM verb is labelled *arb*.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
	  (PP (P sobre)
	      (NP (PRO eles)))
	  (SR-D foi)
	  (VB-AN mandado)
	  (IP-INF-2 (NP-SBJ *exp*)
		    (VB ouvir)
		    (NP-ACC (D o)
			    (ADJP (ADV bem) (VB-AN conhecido))
			    (NPR Desembargador)
			    (PP (P de)
				(NP (D o) (NPR Paço)))
			    (, ,)
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,16.190))

7.3 Null subjects in SMCs

The only empty subjects in small clause are the null category left by the movement of the subject. This is the typical case of clitic subjects (*) and topicalized or wh-extracted subjects (*T*).

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
	  (PP (P De) (ADV aqui))
	  (VB-D resultou)
	  (CP-THT-2 (C que)
		  (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-F esta))
			  (TR-SD tivesse)
			  (NP-ACC (D o)
				  (N pensamento)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (IP-INF (VB organizar)
					      (NP-ACC (D-UM-F uma)
						      (N associação)
						      (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
							      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
								      (VB-D intitulou)
								      (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
									      (NP-ACC (D-F a)
										  (NPR Sociedade)
										  (PP (P de)
										      (NP (D-F a) (NPR Rosa)))))
								      (, ,)
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,15.166))

8. Inaccusative verbs in VS order

The post-verbal argument of inaccusative verbs is labelled NP-SBJ
( (IP-MAT (ADVP (ADV nunca))
	  (VB-P faltam)
	  (NP-SBJ (NP (N-P pretextos)
		      (PP (P para)
			  (IP-INF (VB duvidar))))
		  (, ,)
	  (ID AIRES,52.1039))
IN the case the verb and the subject disagree, the argument is NP-ACC and there is a null expletive subject (as in clauses with 'haver' and in non-agreeing SE constructions).

This analysis extends to passive constructions:
( (IP-MAT (SR-D Foi)
	  (PP (P por) (DEM isso))
	  (ADJP (VB-AN convidado)
		(PP (P para)
		    (IP-INF (VB vir)
			    (IP-INF (VB substituir)
				    (NP-ACC (D o) (NPR Abade))))))
	  (NP-SBJ (D o)
		  (ADJP (ADJP (ADV bem) (VB-AN conhecido))
			(CONJP (CONJ e)
			       (ADJP (ADJ-G respeitável))))
		  (NPR Padre)
		  (NPR Jeronymo)
		  (NPR Allen)
		  (, ,)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D o) (VB-AN dito) (NPR Colégio)))
		  (, ,)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (NUMP (NUM oitenta) (CONJ e) (NUM sete))
			  (N-P anos)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (N idade)))))
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
				 (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
					 (SR-RA fora)
					 (NP-ACC (N mestre)
						 (PP (P de)
						     (NP (D-F a) (PRO$-F nossa) (NPR tia) (NPR Castello) (NPR Melhor))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,108.1690))

9. SE Constructions

The annotation of the different constructions involving an (NP-SE (CL se)) conforms to the following principles:

9.1 Passive SE

In the case the internal argument agrees with the verb, NP-SE is co-indexed with the subject NP.
( (IP-MAT (ADVP (ADV depois)
		(PP (P de)
		    (IP-PPL (VB-AN-F-P celebradas)
			    (PP (P em)
				(NP (Q-G cada) (N ponto))))))
	  (NP-SE-1 (CL se))
	  (VB-P acham)
	  (NP-SBJ-1 (NUM mil)
		    (N-P motivos)
		    (PP (P de)
			(NP (N disputa))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,53.1043))
NB. When the subject of the passive SE construction is null, SE is co-indexed with *pro*, which, by convention, occurs at the beginning of the clause.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ-1 *pro*)
	  (VB-P respeita-@)
	  (NP-SE-1 (CL @se))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,19.272))
In cases in which se raises from an embedded clause, NP-SE is co-indexed with the subject, as in the general case, and the raised NP is co-indexed with the trace of se, following the co-indexation convention for climbing.
 (IP-GER (VB-G dizendo)
	(NP-DAT (CL lhe))
	(CP-THT (CP-THT (C que)
			(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ-9 (D-F a)
					  (ADJ-F última)
					  (N vontade)
					  (PP (P de)
					      (NP (PRO$ meu) (NPR Pai))))
				(NP-9 (CL se))
				(VB-D devia)
				(IP-INF (NP-SE *-9)
					(VB cumprir))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,30.423))

9.2 Middle se

Middle se constructions are treated like passive constructions
(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ-1 (D-F Aquela) (N carne)
                  (PP (P de)
                      (NP (N cavalo))))
        (, ,)
        (CP-ADV (C se)
                (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
                        (SR-SD-3S fosse)
                        (ADJP (ADV bem))
                        (VB-AN-F preparadinha)))
        (, ,)
        (VB-D-3S comia)
        (NP-SE-1 (CL se)) <-----------
        (ADVP (ADV bem))
        (. .)) [VPA06]

9.3 Indefinite SE

9.3.1 With transitive verbs, when there is no agreement between the verb and the lexical NP, the subject is expletive (NP-SBJ *exp*), co-indexed with NP-SE, and the lexical argument is labelled NP-ACC:

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-1)
        (ADVP (ADV Adonde))
        (, ,)
        (PP (P $em)
            (NP (D-F $a) (OUTRO-F outra) (N religião)))
        (, ,)
        (VB-P-3S diz)
        (NP-SE-1  (CL se))
        (NP-ACC (Q-F-P muitas)
        (N-P asneiras))
        (. .)) [VPA15]

9.3.2 With intransive verbs, or verbs whose complement is a clause, the subject is *exp* co-indexed with SE:

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-1)
	  (VB-D vivia)
	  (NP-SE-1 (CL se))
	  (PP (P sem)
	      (NP (N temor)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (NPR-P Leis)
			  (ADJP (ADJ-F-P Divinas) (, ,) (CONJ e) (ADJ-F-P humanas))))))
	  (, ,)
 	 (ID B_001,100.798))

( (IP-MAT (CONJ ou)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NEG não)
	  (VB-P sabem)
	  (ADVP (ADV-R tanto)
		(CP-CMP (WADVP-2 0)
			(C como)
			(IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-2)
				(NP-SBJ-3 *exp*)
				(NP-SE-3 (CL se))
				(VB-P diz))))
	  (. ;)
	(ID AIRES,95.2182))

9.4 Inherent se:

In this case, there is no co-indexation of se
 (PP (P para)
     (CP-ADV (C que)
	     (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-P os)
			     (ADJ-P mesmos)
			     (N-P pés)
			     (, ,)
			     (CP-REL (WNP-4 (WPRO que))
				     (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-4)
					     (ADVP (ADV heroicamente))
					     (VB-P pisam)
					     (NP-ACC (D-F-P as) (N-P vaidades))
					     (, ,))))
		(NP-SE (CL se))
		(VB-SP dignem)
		(IP-INF (VB proteger)
			(NP-ACC (D-F-P estas) (N-P reflexões)))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,03.4))
NB. with inherently reflexive verbs, other clitics may equally appear inside NP-SE.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO Eu) (CONJ e) (PRO ela))
	  (SR-P somos)
	  (ADVP (ADV hoje))
	  (NP-ACC (D-P os)
		  (ADJ-P únicos)
		  (N-P habitantes)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D-F esta) (N casa)))
		  (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
				  (NP-SE (CL nos))
				  (VB-P recordamos)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (NP (D-P aqueles) (N-P tempos))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,13.155))
list of inherent reflexive verbs (to be included)

10 Clauses

10.1 Matrix clauses (IP-MAT)

IP-MAT is the syntactic label applied to simple clauses, matrix, and non-dependent coordinate clauses.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (Q-P Todos) (D-P aqueles) (N-P fidalgos))
	  (SR-D eram)
	  (VB-AN-P tidos)
	  (PP (P por)
	      (NP (D-F-P as)
		  (N-P pessoas)
		  (PP (ADV-R mais)
		      (VB-AN-F-P ilustradas)
		      (P de)
		      (NP (D-F a)
			  (NPR Corte)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (D o) (NPR Príncipe) (NPR Regente)))))))
	  (, ,)) (ID ALORNA,14.159))
Main clauses are separated even when conjoined, the initial conjunction in the second and subsequent clauses being treated as a constituent of the clause
( (IP-MAT (CONJ mas)
	  (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (VB-P cumpre)
	  (IP-INF (VB advertir)
		  (CP-REL (C que)
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D o) (NPR Governo))
				  (, ,)
				  (IP-GER (VB-G nomeando)
					  (NP-ACC (CL os))
					  (PP (P para)
					      (NP (D-F-P aquelas) (N-P comissões))))
				  (, ,)
				  (NEG não)
				  (TR-D teve)
				  (PP (P em)
				      (NP (N vista)))
				  (IP-INF (VB aproveitar)
					  (NP-ACC (NP (D-F-P as) (PRO$-F-P suas) (N-P luzes))
						  (CONJP (CONJ e)
							 (NP (N ilustração)))))
				  (, ,)
				  (CONJP (CONJ mas)
					 (IP-SUB (ADV sim)
						 (VB afastar)
						 (NP-ACC (D-P os)
							 (PP (P de)
							     (NP (D-F a)
								 (NPR Corte)
								 (, ,)
								 (CP-REL (WPP-1 (P em)
										(NP (D o)
										    (N desagrado)
										    (PP (P de)
											(NP (D-F a) (WPRO qual)))))
									 (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
										 (NP-SBJ *pro*)
										 (TR-D tinham)
										 (VB-PP caído)))))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,14.160))
For the case in which the non dependent coordinate clauses share some constituinte, see Coordination

Differently from the annotation system proposed in Britto 2003, the only elements labelled as coordination conjunction are e (and), mas (but), ou (or), ou ... ou (either ... or), nem ... nem (neither ... nor).

10.2 Subordinate clauses (IP-SUB)

Dependent tensed clauses are codified as IP-SUB, and are always dominated by a complementizer phrase (CP).
	      (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	      (PP (P por)
		  (NP (DEM isso)))
	      (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
	      (VB-P digo)
	      (CP-THT (C que)
		      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
			      (SR-P é)
			      (ADJP (ADJ exato))))
	      (. :)) (ID ALORNA,16.182))
see also IP-IND

10.3 Infinitive clauses (IP-INF)

Infinitival verbs are always dominated by IP-INF
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (ET-D esteve)
	  (ADJP (ADV completamente) (ADJ paralítico))
	  (PP (P por)
	      (NP (Q-P muitos) (N-P anos)))
	  (, ,)
	  (PP (P sem)
	      (IP-INF (VB querer)
		      (IP-INF (VB receber)
			      (NP-ACC (ADVP (NEG nem) (FP mesmo))
				      (D-P os)
				      (ADJ-P próximos)
				      (N-P parentes)))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,17.213))
Sometimes, infinitival clauses are introduced by a determiner. In this case NP is projected.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ-NEG nem)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D pude)
	  (IP-INF (VB conseguir)
		  (NP-ACC (D o)
			  (IP-INF (SR ser)
				  (ADJP (ADJ Anónimo)))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,07.51))
Infinitival clauses can be interpreted as the subject of the clause. In this case it is co-indexed with an empty expletive subject.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-1)
	  (ADVP (ADV porém))
	  (ADJP (ADJ-R-G melhor))
	  (SR-RA fora)
	  (IP-INF-1 (VB dizer)
		    (, ,)
		    (CP-THT (C que)
			    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (N-P gostos) (, ,) (CONJ e) (N-P desgostos))
				    (NEG não)
				    (SR-P são)
				    (ADJP (ADV-R mais)
					  (PP (P de@)
					      (CP-CMP (WNP-2 (D @o) (WPRO que))
						      (IP-SUB (NP-MSR *T*-2)
							      (NP-SBJ (N-P vaidades)))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,16.189))

10.4 Gerundive clauses (IP-GER)

Gerundive forms project a gerundive clause (IP-GER) except when they are part of the locution estar/ficar/andar +V-NDO
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D deram)
	  (NP-ACC (D-UM-F uma) (ADJ-G grande) (N serenata))
	  (, ,)
	  (IP-GER (IP-GER (VB-G indo)
			  (NP-SBJ (D-F-P as)
				  (N-P músicas)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (NP (D-F a)
					  (N guarnição)
					  (PP (P de)
					      (NP (NPR Lisboa) (CONJ e) (NPR Belém))))))
			  (PP (P em)
			      (NP (N-P escaleres)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (NP (D o) (NPR Arsenal))))))
		  (, ,)
		  (IP-GER (CONJ e)
			  (NP-SBJ (N-P cantores))
			  (PP (P em)
			      (NP (OUTRO-F-P outras) (N-P embarcações)))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,19.244))

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (PP (P por)
	      (NP (DEM isso)))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C quando)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
			  (ET-D estávamos)
			  (VB-G jantando)))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-D ouvimos)
	  (NP-ACC (D-UM-F uma) (N salva))
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (D o) (N longe)))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,32.449))

10.5 Participial clause (IP-PPL)

In the present syntactic annotation system, differently from what is proposed by Taylor & Kroch (op.cit.), IP-PPL label is applied only to the traditionally called adverbial participial clauses.
	  ( (IP-MAT (IP-PPL (VB-AN Passado)
		  (NP-SBJ (Q algum) (N tempo)))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-D marchou)
	  (NP-SBJ (D-UM-F uma)
		  (N parte)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D o) (NPR Depósito))))
	  (, ,)) (ID ALORNA,78.1214))
When the participial form heads a small clause, it is dominated by a ADJP inside a IP-SMC
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D vi)
	  (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ (D o) (N exército) (ADJ francês))
		  (ADJP (ADJ acampado)
			(PP (P por)
			    (NP (D-F-P as)
				(N-P ruas)
				(CONJP (CONJ e)
				       (NX (N-P praças)))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,59.884))
When the participial is inside a NP, it is treated either as an Adjective (cf.
ADJP) or as a reduced relative clause (cf. RRC bellow).

10.6 Reduced Relative Clauses (RRC)

RRC are generally headed by a past participle.
( (IP-MAT (VB-D Constava)
	  (NP-SBJ (PRO ele))
	  (ADVP (ADV sempre))
	  (PP (P de)
	      (NP (NP (NUM seis)
		      (ADJ-G-P grandes)
		      (N-P tabuleiros)
		      (PP (P com)
			  (NP (N peixe)
			      (RRC (VB-AN cozinhado)
				   (PP (P de)
				       (ADJ-F-P várias)
				       (NP (N-P formas)))))))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (NP (NUM dois)
			     (ADJ-G-P grandes)
			     (N-P tabuleiros)
			     (PP (P com)
				 (NP (N doce)
				     (PP (P de)
					 (NP (N cozinha)))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,81.1275))
In the current version of the Portuguese Corpus, gerundive modifiers of nouns are labelled IP-GER:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NP (D-F Esta) (ADJ-R-G tal) (NPR Nobreza) (, ,))
		  (CONJP (CONJ ou)
			 (NP (D-F a)
			     (PRO$-F sua)
			     (N vaidade)
			     (IP-GER (VB-G negando)
				     (NP-ACC (D-F-P as) (N-P suposições))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-P fica)
	  (ADJP (ADJ-G livre)
		(PP (P de@)
		    (NP (D @o) (N argumento))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,177.4074))
RRCs can also dominate ADJPs:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (RRC-2 (ADJP (ADJ-G-P incapazes)
		       (PP (P de)
			   (NP (D-UM um)
			       (IP-INF (SR ser)
				       (ADJP (ADJ-G constante) (, ,) (CONJ e) (ADJ sólido)))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (ADV apenas)
	  (NP-3 (CL se))
	  (VB-P pode)
	  (IP-INF (NP-SE *-3)
		  (VB dar)
		  (PP (P em)
		      (NP (PRO nós)
			  (RRC *ICH*-2))))
	  (NP-SBJ (NP (N virtude)
		      (PP (P sem)
			  (NP (N mancha))))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ ou)
			 (NP (ADJ perfeito) (N vício))))
	  (. :)) (ID AIRES,63.1302))

10.7 Small-clauses (IP-SMC)

The label IP-SMC is assigned to the clausal verbless complements of verbs whose (non-exaustive) list follows, when the predicates are ADJPs or NPs.

chamar, conservar, considerar,
julgar (se),

IP-SMC is not projected:

- When the predicate of the small clause is PP or ADVP.
- In the case of adjectival secondary predicates, which should be treated as ADJP-SPRs sister of VB .
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NEG Não)
	  (VB-P vivemos)
	  (ADJP-SPR (ADJ-G-P contentes))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C se)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (PRO$-F nossa) (N vaidade))
			  (NEG não)
			  (VB-P vive)
			  (ADJP-SPR (VB-AN-F satisfeita))))
	  (. :))
  (ID AIRES,31.537))
- In the case of adjectival complements of verbs such as 'parecer' (seem) which are treated as simple ADJP complements and not as SMC with traces.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ Mas)
	  (CP-ADV (C se)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
			  (SR-P é)
			  (ADJP (ADJ certo)
				(, ,)
				(CP-THT (C que)
					(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N vaidade))
						(SR-P é)
						(NP-ACC (N vício)))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-P parece)
	  (ADJP (ADJ-G difícil))
	  (NP-SBJ (D o)
		  (IP-INF (HV haver)
			  (NP-ACC (N virtude)
				  (, ,)
				  (CP-REL (WNP-2 (WPRO que))
					  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-2)
						  (VB-SP proceda)
						  (PP (P de@)
						      (NP (PRO @ele))))))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,14.163))

10.8 Secondary Predicates

Except for the cases of movement mentionned above no subjectless small clause is projected. Following the PPCME2 system, secondary predicates on the subject are annotated inside a phrase marked with the extended label –SPR (ADJP-SPR, NP-SPR)
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D propôs)
	  (NP-SE (CL se))
	  (IP-INF (VB desempenhar)
		  (NP-ACC (D-F a) (PRO$-F sua) (N comissão))
		  (, ,)
		  (ADJP-SPR (VB-AN auxiliado)
			    (PP (PP (P por)
				    (NP (D-F a)
					(N família)
					(PP (P de)
					    (NP (D-F a) (N casa)))))
				(CONJP (CONJ e)
				       (PP (P por) (PRO nós))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,88.1361))

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (, ,)
	  (ADVP (ADV ainda)
		(CP-ADV (C que)
			(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				(TR-SD tivéssemos)
				(NP-ACC (Q-F pouca) (N idade)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (Q muito)
	  (NP-ACC (CL nos))
	  (VB-D afligiu)
	  (NP-SBJ (D-F esta) (ADJ-F nova))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C porque)
		  (, ,)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SPR (FP mesmo) (N criança))
			  (, ,)
			  (NP-SBJ-2 *exp*)
			  (NP-2 (CL se))
			  (VB-P pode)
			  (IP-INF (NP-SBJ *-2)
				  (SR ser)
				  (ADJP (ADJ grato)))))
	  (, ,))
  (ID ALORNA,121.1897))
Secondary predicates on the object are of two kinds. A small clause is projected only if it is selected by the verb (cf. the list of verbs which select small clause,
here). Otherwise, they are annotated as ADJP/NP-SPR, inside the object NP.
(42)	(IP-MAT 	(NP-SBJ *pro*) 
			(VB-D-3S amarrou)
			(NP-ACC 	(DEM aquilo)						<----------
					(ADJP-SPR (VB-AN amarradinho)))				
(, ,))		[VPA38]

10.9 Adverbial clauses (CP-ADV)

Two cases arise

(i) the clause is headed by a conjunction (porque, quando, como, se, enquanto, etc...) - labelled C-
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-P Os) (N-P corpos))
	  (ADVP (ADV mal))
	  (TR-D tinham)
	  (NP-ACC (N espaço))
	  (PP (P para)
	      (IP-INF (VB desfilar)
		      (PP (P por)
			  (NP (N-P seções)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C porque)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D o) (N povo))
			  (SR-D era)
			  (ADJP (ADV-R tanto)
				(CP-DEG (C que)
					(, ,)
					(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
						(PP (P a)
						    (NP (Q-P todos) (D-P os) (N-P momentos)))
						(, ,)
						(VB-D interrompia)
						(NP-ACC (D-F a) (N marcha)))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,132.2072))
(ii) the clause is introduced by a locution (sempre que, logo que, para que ...) In this case, CP-ADV is the complement of the head of a larger phrase (ADVP, PP or NP-ADV)
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (ADVP (ADV Logo)
		(CP-ADV (C que)
			(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO ela))
				(VB-D soube)
				(PP (P de)
				    (NP (D-F a) (N paz) (ADJ-G geral))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-D tornou)
	  (NP-1 (CL se))
	  (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-1)
		  (ADVP (ADJ-F assídua))
		  (PP (P em)
		      (NP (D o)
			  (NPR Palácio)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (D-P os) (NPR Bourbons))))))) (ID ALORNA,132.2078))

 ( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (NP-LFD-1 (D-F-P as) (N-P cousas))
	  (VB-P parece)
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *ICH*-1)
			  (NP-DAT (CL nos))
			  (VB-P vão)
			  (VB-G fugindo)
			  (, ,)
			  (PP (P até)
			      (CP-ADV (C que)
				      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO nós))
					      (VB-P vimos)
					      (PP (P a)
						  (IP-INF (VB desaparecer)
							  (ADVP (ADV também)))))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID AIRES-A_001,64.1476))
Special cases:

1. Parenthetical clauses like Há X anos/ Há muito tempo etc... when used are labelled as IP-MAT-PRN:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ-1 (D O)
		    (N culto)
		    (ADJ Divino)
		    (, ,)
		    (NP-PRN (N desvelo)
			    (ADV sempre)
			    (PP (P d@)
				(NP (D-P @os) (NPR-P Portugueses)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (ADVP (ADV ali))
	  (NP-1 (CL se))
	  (VB-D via)
	  (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-1)
		  (ADJP (ADV-R tão)
			(VB-AN abatido)
			(CP-DEG (, ,)
				(C que)
				(IP-SUB (IP-MAT-PRN (NP-SBJ *exp*)
						    (NP-ACC (Q-P muitos) (N-P anos))
						    (HV-D havia))
					(NEG não)
					(TR-D tinha)
					(NP-ACC (NPR Matriz))
					(NP-SBJ (D-F a)
						(NPR Cidade)
						(PP (P d@)
						    (NP (D @o) (NPR Pará))))))))
	  (. :)) (ID B_001,100.806))
2. Como se

The clauses introduced by "como se" are treated as comparative clauses headed by como whose IP-SUB contains an adverbial trace and a CP-ADV headed by C.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (TR-D Tinha)
	  (ADVP (ADV ali))
	  (NP-ACC (Q-F-P todas) (D-F-P as) (PRO$-F-P suas) (N-P comodidades))
	  (CP-CMP (WADVP-1 0)
		  (C como)
		  (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-1)
			  (CP-ADV (C se)
				  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
					  (VB-SD estivesse)
					  (PP (P em)
					      (NP (NPR Bemfica)))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,05.33))

10.10 That clauses (CP-THT)

CP-THT is the label assigned to complement finite clauses of verbs, nouns adjectives and prepositions:
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (VB-P parece)
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (N efeito)))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D o)
				  (IP-INF (VB deixar)
					  (NP-ACC (D o) (N mundo))))
			  (SR-P é)
			  (IP-INF (VB desprezar-@)
				  (NP-ACC (CL @o)))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,19.282))

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-P corre)
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (NPR Queluz)))
	  (PP (P para)
	      (IP-INF (VB informar)
		      (NP-ACC (PRO$-F Sua) (NPR Alteza))
		      (PP (P de)
			  (CP-THT (C que)
				  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N diligência))
					  (ET-D estava)
					  (ADJP (VB-AN-F ultimada))
					  (PP (P com)
					      (NP (D o) (ADJ-R-G melhor) (N êxito))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA-A_003,16.202))
NB. In classical texts, the complementizer is often null. Null complementizers in complement clauses are annotated as 0.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D Pediu)
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (Q todo) (D o) (N auditório)))
	  (CP-THT (C 0)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
			  (VB-SD mandasse)
			  (PP (P a)
			      (NP (PRO ela)))
			  (NP-ACC (D-P os)
				  (PRO$ seus)
				  (NPR-P Índios)
				  (, ,)
				  (CONJP (CONJ e)
					 (NX (NPR-P Índias))))))
	  (, ,)) (ID B_001,130.1046))

10.11 Degree clauses (CP-DEG)

In degree clauses, the degree complement is enclosed within the brackets of the constituent containing its associated degree word (generally 'tao').
 (NP-SBJ (PRO ele))
	  (VB-D respondeu)
	  (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (PP (P de)
			      (NP (N modo) (Q algum)))
			  (, ,)
			  (CP-ADV (C porque)
				  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
						  (N corte)
						  (PP (P de)
						      (NP (D o) (NPR Príncipe) (NPR Regente))))
					  (SR-D era)
					  (ADJP (ADV-R tão)
						(ADJ-F tola)
						(CP-DEG (C que)
							(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
								(PP (CONJ-NEG nem)
								    (P para)
								    (NP (DEM isso)))
								(TR-D tinha)
								(NP-ACC (N capacidade)))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,33.464))
In Classical Portuguese, degree clauses are very frequently extraposed. In this case, the null category *ICH* is inserted as sister of the degree phrase, and co-indexed with the extraposed DEG clause.
( (IP-MAT (VB-D Fundava)
	  (NP-SE (CL se))
	  (ADVP (ADV-R tão)
		(ADV solidamente)
		(CP-DEG *ICH*-1))
	  (NP-SBJ (D-F esta) (N queixa))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-DEG-1 (C que)
		    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N canoa))
			    (SR-D era)
			    (ADJP (ADV ainda)
				  (ADV-R mais)
				  (ADJ-F fabulosa)
				  (, ,)
				  (CP-CMP (WNP-2 0)
					  (C que)
					  (IP-SUB (NP-MSR *T*-2)
						  (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
							  (VB-AN-F celebrada)
							  (N nau)
							  (NPR Quimera)
							  (PP (P d@)
							      (NP (D-P @os)
								  (N-P jogos)
								  (ADJ-G-P navais)
								  (PP (P de)
								      (NP (NPR Enéas)))))))))))
	  (. :))
  (ID B_001,114.923))

10.12 Relative clauses (CP-REL)

In relative clauses, the relative element is treated as an operator co-indexed com a trace (*T*) inside the clause (IP-SUB), which allows one to recover the exact syntactic place where the extraction comes from.

NB. As a convention, traces are always annotated in the first position of the IP-SUB which contains them.
		  (NPR General)
		  (NPR Gomes)
		  (NPR Freire)
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
				  (TR-D tinha)
				  (NP-ACC (D-UM um)
					  (VB-G comando)
					  (ADJP (ADV-R tão) (ADJ-G importante))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (NEG não)
	  (SR-D foi)
	  (VB-AN prevenido)
	  (PP (P de)
	      (NP (D-F a)
		  (N saída)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP-PRN (NPR El-Rei)))))
	  (. !)) (ID ALORNA,33.465))

 ( (IP-MAT (ADV Assim)
	  (VB-D começou)
	  (NP-SBJ (D o) (NPR Grande) (NPR VIEIRA))
	  (CP-CMP (WADVP-3 0)
		  (C como)
		  (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-3)
			  (NP-SBJ (N Sol)
				  (, ,)
				  (CP-REL (WNP-4 (D o) (WPRO qual))
					  (IP-SUB (PP (ADV logo)
						      (PP (P n@)
							  (NP (D @o) (PRO$-4 seu) (NPR Oriente))))
						  (NP-SBJ (D-P os)
							  (ADJ-P primeiros)
							  (, ,)
							  (CP-REL (WPP-2 (P em)
									 (NP (WPRO quem)))
								  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
									  (PP *T*-2)
									  (VB-P dá)
									  (PP (P com)
									      (NP (D-F a) (PRO$ sua) (N luz))))))
						  (, ,)
						  (SR-P são)
						  (NP-ACC (D-P os) (N-P montes)))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID B_001,7.59))

10.13 Free relative clauses (CP-FRL)

Free Relative clauses are dominated by either NP or PP.

1. Free Relative dominated by NP

The NP bears the function of the whole phrase
 (CP-ADV (C porque)
		  (, ,)
		  (IP-SUB (VB-D dizia)
			  (NP-SBJ (PRO ele))
			  (. :)
			  (IP-MAT-SPE (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				      (ADVP (ADV-NEG nunca))
				      (TR-D tinha)
				      (VB-PP achado)
				      (NP-ACC (CP-FRL (WNP-1 (WPRO quem))
						      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
							      (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
							      (VB-SD enxotasse)
							      (NP-ACC (D-F-P as) (N-P moscas))
							      (PP (P com)
								  (NP (ADV-R mais) (N delicadeza)))))))))
	  (. !)) (ID ALORNA,23.313))
NB. In free relative clauses headed by 'o/a (s) que', 'o' is not treated as the head of NP but is part of the operator, and as such dominated by WNP:
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ (PRO ele))
	  (, ,)
	  (IP-PPL (VB-AN desesperado))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-P chama)
	  (IP-SMC (ADJP (ADJ tolo))
		  (PP-SBJ (P a)
			  (NP (D o) (N criado))))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C porque)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
			  (NEG não)
			  (TR-D tinha)
			  (VB-PP feito)
			  (NP-ACC (CP-FRL (WNP-2 (D o) (WPRO que))
					  (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-2)
						  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
						  (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
						  (VB-RA mandara))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C pois)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*-3)
			  (NP-3 (CP-FRL (WNP-1 (D o) (WPRO que))
					(IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-1)
						(NP-SBJ (PRO ele))
						(VB-D queria))))
			  (SR-D era)
			  (CP-CLF (C que)
				  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N caixa))
					  (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
					  (VB-SD viesse)
					  (PP (P por)
					      (NP (D o) (N telégrafo)))))))
	  (. !)) (ID ALORNA,69.1034))
2. Free Relative dominated by PP

Two possibilities arise:

1) PP is selected by the main verb, or by a noun, and there is no PP inside the relative clause (Non-Matching case).
(IP-MAT (CONJ mas)
	  (NP-SBJ (PRO$-F minha)
		  (NPR Avó)
		  (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
			  (IP-SUB (, ,)
				  (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
				  (ADVP (ADV conquanto)
					(ADJP (ADJ-F boa)))
				  (ADVP (, ,) (ADV-NEG nunca))
				  (ET-D estava)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (NP (N acordo)
					  (PP (P com)
					      (NP (D-P os) (ADV-R mais))))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-D anuía)
	  (PP (P a)
	      (NP (CP-FRL (WNP-2 (D o) (WPRO que))
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ-3 *T*-2)
				  (NP-SE-3 (CL se))
				  (VB-D desejava)))))
	  (, ,)) (ID ALORNA,62.939))

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (PP (P Para)
	      (NP (N prova)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (CP-FRL (WNP-1 (D o) (WPRO que))
				  (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-1)
					  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
					  (VB-P digo)))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-R contarei)
	  (NP-ACC (D-UM-F uma) (N anedota))
	  (, ,)
	  (PP (P de)
	      (PP (P entre)
		  (NP (Q-F-P muitas)
		      (CP-REL (WNP-2 (WPRO que))
			      (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-2)
				      (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				      (VB-P sei)
				      (PP (P de)
					  (NP (PRO ele))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,68.1027))
2) PP is selected both by the main verb and by the subordinate verb (matching case).

In this case, by convention, the preposition is inside the relative clause
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (PP (CP-FRL (WPP-1 (P para) (P de@) (ADVP (WADV @onde)))
		      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
			      (VB-P quer)
			      (CP-THT (C que)
				      (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
					      (NP-SBJ *pro*)
					      (VB-SP vamos))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-P imos)
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (D-P os) (PRO$-P nossos) (ADJ-P mesmos) (N-P desvarios)))
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-ADV (C se)
		  (ADV bem)
		  (CP-THT (C que)
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-F-P as)
					  (N-P vaidades)
					  (PP (P de@)
					      (NP (D @o) (N ermo))))
				  (SR-P são)
				  (NP-ACC (N-P vaidades) (ADJ-G-P inocentes)))))
	  (. .))
  (ID AIRES-A_001,28.527))
NB. In the case there is ambiguity between a free relative and a sentencial complement (embedded question) treat it as an embedded question.

10.14 Clause-adjoined Relatives (CP-CAR)

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D fez)
	  (IP-INF (VB passar)
		  (NP-ACC (PRO$-F minha) (NPR Avó))
		  (PP (P como)
		      (IP-GER (VB-G pertencendo)
			      (PP (P a)
				  (NP (D-F-P as)
				      (N-P sociedades)
				      (ADJP (ADJ-F-P maçônicas) (CONJ e) (ADJ-F-P afrancesadas))))))
		  (, ,))
	  (CP-CAR (WNP-1 (D o) (WPRO que))
		  (IP-SUB (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-1)
				  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				  (NEG não)
				  (SR-D era))
			  (CONJP (CONJ-NEG nem)
				 (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-1)
					 (NP-SBJ *pro*)
					 (ADVP (ADV-NEG nunca))
					 (SR-D foi)))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,15.163))

10.15 Comparative clauses (CP-CMP)

In Portuguese, there is evidence that comparison always involves a clausal structure (and not a PP, as in French or English), since if the second term of the comparison is a pronoun, it shows up in the nominative case

    Ela  é   mais bonita do que eu  *mim
    Elle est plus belle  que    moi *je
    She  is  prettier    than   me  *I
For this reason, a comparative clause (CP-CMP) is projected in all the comparative constructions. Inside the subordinating clause dominated by CP-CMP, there is nothing but the phrases lexically instantiated and a trace co-indexed with a WH element, which is either lexically realized (as WNP 'o que', in 'do que') or empty. When it is empty, there is a realized complementizer ('que' or 'como'). In the current version of the Corpus, the syntactic category of the trace is either NP-MSR, which expresses the comparison of measure, or ADVP, which expresses the comparison of manner.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-F A) (NPR Condessa))
	  (ADVP (ADV então))
	  (ADVP (FP só))
	  (TR-D tinha)
	  (NP-ACC (D-UM um)
		  (N filho)
		  (, ,)
		  (ADJP (ADV-R mais)
			(ADJ moço)
			(PP (P de)
			    (CP-CMP (WNP-3 (D o) (WPRO que))
				    (IP-SUB (NP-MSR *T*-3)
					    (NP-SBJ (PRO nós))))))
		  (, ,)
	  (ID ALORNA,69.1047))
		  (NPR Senhora)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (NPR Murça))))
	  (SR-D era)
	  (ADJP (ADJP (ADV-R mais)
		      (ADJ-F baixa)
		      (PP (P de)
			  (CP-CMP (WNP-1 (D o) (WPRO que))
				  (IP-SUB (ADJP (NP-MSR *T*-1)
						(ADJ-F alta))))))
	  (, ,)) (ID ALORNA,98.1521))

 ( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NP (PRO$ Meu) (N tio))
		  (, ,)
		  (NP-PRN (D o)
			  (NPR Marquês)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (NPR Castello) (NPR Melhor)))
			  (, ,)
			  (NP-PRN (NPR Dom) (NPR Affonso))))
	  (, ,)
	  (VB-D casou)
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (D-F a)
		  (N filha)
		  (ADJP (ADV-R mais) (ADJ-F velha))
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D-F a)
			  (NPR Senhora)
			  (NPR Marquesa)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (NPR Niza)))))
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
				  (SR-D era)
				  (ADJP (ADJP (ADV-R tão) (ADJ-F boa))
					(CONJP (CONJ e)
					       (ADJP (ADV-R tão) (ADJ-F bela)))
					(CP-CMP (WNP-2 0)
						(C como)
						(IP-SUB (NP-MSR *T*-2)
							(NP-SBJ (PRO$-F-P suas) (N-P irmãs)))))))))
	  (, ,)) (ID ALORNA,102.1587))
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (SR-D era)
	  (ADJP (ADV-R tão)
		(ADJ-F boa)
		(CP-CMP (WNP-1 0)
			(C como)
			(IP-SUB (ADJP (NP-MSR *T*-1)
				      (ADJ-F bela)))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,113.1792))

1) 'Como eu já disse'
Como, labelled as C, heads CP-ADV, and there is a null adverbial operator co-indexed with a trace (cf.
Middle French Corpus)

2) Temporal/causal COMO (=QUANDO/JA QUE)
Labelled as C (cf. CONJS in the Middle French Corpus)
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (CP-ADV (C como)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D o)
				  (ADJ perigoso)
				  (N mal)
				  (, ,)
				  (CP-REL (WPP-1 (P com)
						 (NP (WPRO que)))
					  (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
						  (VB-D lutavam)
						  (NP-SBJ (D-P os)
							  (Q-P poucos)
							  (N-P alentos)
							  (PP (P d@)
							      (NP (D @o) (N menino) (NPR ANTÓNIO)))))))
			  (, ,)
			  (NP-ACC (CL os))
			  (TR-SD tivesse)
			  (PP (P em)
			      (NP (ADJ temeroso) (N sobressalto)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (NP-SBJ (D o) (NPR Padre))
	  (, ,)
	  (PP-PRN (P a@)
		  (NP (CP-FRL (WNP-2 (D @o) (WPRO que))
			      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-2)
				      (VB-P parece)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (D-F a)
		  (N alma)
		  (ADJP (ADJ-F cheia)
			(PP (P de)
			    (NP (ADJ-R-G superior) (N ilustração))))))
	  (NP-ACC (D-P os))
	  (VB-D assegurou)
	  (. .)) (ID B_001,5.53))
3) Como = enquanto (ex. Foi condenado como ladrão): P
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NP-ACC (CL nos))
	  (VB-P induz)
	  (PP (P a)
	      (IP-INF (NP-SBJ *pro*)
		      (VB-F buscarmos)
		      (NP-ACC (D-P esses) (ADJ-P mesmos) (Q-NEG-P nadas))
		      (, ,)
		      (PP (P como)
			  (NP (N-P meios)
			      (PP (P de)
				  (IP-INF (NP-ACC (CL nos))
					  (VB distinguir)))))))
	  (, ;)
	  (IP-GER (SR-G sendo)
		  (CP-THT (C que)
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (CONJ-NEG nem)
					  (NP (NPR Deus))
					  (, ,)
					  (CONJP (CONJ-NEG nem)
						 (NP (D-F a) (N natureza))))
				  (NP-ACC (CL nos))
				  (VB-D distinguiu)
				  (ADVP (ADV nunca)))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,34.580))
4) Assim como
Assim projects ADVP that takes as its complement CP-ADV whose head is como.

 (SR-D era)
	  (NP-ACC (D-UM um)
		  (ADJ-G excelente)
		  (N religioso)
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-REL (WPP-2 (P por)
				 (NP (WPRO quem)))
			  (IP-SUB (PP *T*-2)
				  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				  (TR-D tínhamos)
				  (NP-ACC (ADJ-F verdadeira) (N simpatia))
				  (, ,)
				  (ADVP (ADV assim)
					(CP-ADV (C como)
						(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO ele))
							(TR-D tinha)
							(NP-ACC (D o)
								(ADJ-R-G maior)
								(N desejo)
								(CONJP (CONJ e)
								       (NX (N vontade)))
								(PP (P de)
								    (IP-INF (NP-DAT (CL nos))
									    (SR ser)
									    (ADJP (ADJ-G útil)
										  (PP (P em)
										      (NP (D-F a) (PRO$-F nossa) (N orfandade)))))))))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,11.127))
In many cases the IP-SUB complement of 'como' is elliptical. In this case, it is co-indexed with the clause in which all the information is available.

( (IP-MAT-2 (NP-SBJ (D-F A)
		  (ADJ-R-G maior)
		  (N parte)
		  (PP (P de)
		      (NP (D-P os)
			  (N-P oficiais)
			  (PP (P de)
			      (NP (D o) (N exército))))))
	  (ET-D estava)
	  (PP (P em)
	      (NP (D-F a) (N capital)))
	  (, ,)
	  (ADVP (ADV assim)
		(CP-ADV (C como)
			(IP-SUB-2 (NP-SBJ (Q-F muita)
					(PP (P de)
					    (NP (D-F a)
						(N aristocracia)
						(PP (P de)
						    (NP (D-F a)
							(N província)
							(CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
								(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
									(PP (P para)
									    (ADVP (ADV aqui)))
									(TR-D tinha)
									(VB-PP vindo)
									(PP (P em)
									    (NP (D-F a)
										(ADJ-F primeira)
										(N invasão)
										(PP (P de)
										    (NP (D-P os) (N-P franceses)))))))))))))))
	  (, ,))
  (ID ALORNA,143.2266))

10.16 Questions (CP-QUE)

Both direct and indirect questions are labelled CP-QUE. The difference between them is that direct questions dominate IP-IND, and indirect questions dominate IP-SUB. As in relative clauses, the operator is co-indexed with a trace inside the clause.
( (CP-QUE (CONJ e)
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (N efeito)))
	  (, ,)
	  (WADVP-12 (WADV quando))
	  (IP-IND (ADVP *T*-12)
		  (NP-SBJ-13 *exp*)
		  (NP-SE-13 (CL se))
		  (VB-D viu)
		  (ADVP (SENAO senão) (ADV agora))
		  (, ,)
		  (IP-INF (VB sentar-@)
			  (NP-ACC (CL @se))
			  (PP (P em@)
			      (NP (D @o) (ADJ mesmo) (NPR Trono)))
			  (NP-SBJ (NP (NP (D-F a) (NPR Soberania))
				      (CONJP (CONJ e)
					     (NP (D-F a) (NPR Benignidade))))
				  (, ,)
				  (CONJP (NP (NP (D-F a) (NPR Justiça))
					     (CONJP (CONJ e)
						    (NP (D-F a) (NPR Clemência)))
					     (, ,)))
				  (CONJP (NP (NP (D o) (NPR Poder) (ADJ supremo))
					     (CONJP (CONJ e)
						    (NP (D-F a) (NPR Razão))))))))
	  (. ?))
  (ID AIRES,04.14))

10.16.1 Direct question

( (CP-QUE-SPE (WNP-1 (WD Que)
		     (OUTRO-F outra)
		     (N cousa)
		     (ADJP (ADV-R mais)
			   (PP *ICH*-2)))
	      (IP-IND (NP-ACC *T*-1)
		      (SR-P é)
		      (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N natureza))
		      (, ,)
		      (PP-2 (P de@)
			    (CP-CMP (WNP-3 (D @o) (WPRO que))
				    (IP-SUB (NP-MSR *T*-3)
					    (NP-ACC (D-UM-F uma)
						    (ADJP (ADJ-F perpétua) (, ,) (CONJ e) (ADJ-G singular))
						    (N metamorfósis))))))
	      (. ?)) (ID AIRES,15.173))

10.16.2 Indirect question

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (CONJ-NEG nem)
	  (VB-D sabiam)
	  (CP-QUE (WNP-1 (D o) (WPRO que))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-1)
                          (NP-SBJ *pro*)
			  (SR-D era)))
	  (. .)) (ID B_001,131.1058))

10.16.3 Yes-no question

In Yes/no questions CP-QUE-SPE dominates IP-SUB-SPE

Up to now, no occurrences of this kind of sentences were found in the Portuguese Corpus.

10.16.4. Short answer for a yes-no question

Short answers for yes-no questions are labelled as FRAG-ANS (i.e. fragment of answer)

(no examples either)

10.17 Cleft sentences

In cleft sentences, 'que' is labelled C
When there is a relative phrase, no null C is inserted
When there is no relative phrase, an empty operator is inserted, and co-indexed with a trace in the position in which the gap is interpreted

The classification of the cleft constructions in Portuguese can be done along 3 axes

- order: be-XP-Pred, XP-be-Pred, Pred-be-XP
- presence vs absence of a lexical complementizer
- presence vs absence of a lexical WH element

In any case, the subject of be is a null expletive. When there is a Noun Phrase agreeing with the verb, this Noun Phrase is co-indexed with the expletive. When it does not agree, it is labelled as NP-ACC.

10.17.1 be-XP-Pred, with a lexical complementizer ('cleft sentences')

A null operator binding a trace in the subordinate clause is added.
	(NP-SE (CL me))
	  (VB-D recordei)
	  (PP (P de)
	      (CP-THT (C que)
		      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
			      (SR-RA fora)
			      (NP-2 (PRO ele))
			      (CP-CLF (WNP-1 0)
				      (C que)
				      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
					      (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
					      (VB-RA fizera)
					      (NP-ACC (D-F-P as) (N-P honras) (ADJ-G-P fúnebres)))))))
	  (. !)) (ID ALORNA,06.41))									 

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO$ Meu) (N tio))
	  (VB-D disse)
	  (NP-DAT (CL lhe))
	  (CP-THT (CP-THT (C que)
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
				  (SR-D era)
				  (PP (P por)
				      (NP (D o) (PRO$ meu) (N guarda-roupa)))
				  (CP-CLF (WPP-1 0)
					  (C que)
					  (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
						  (NP-SBJ (PRO eu))
						  (VB-D chamava)))))
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (CP-THT (C que)
				 (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
					 (ADVP (NEG não))
					 (SR-D era)
					 (NP-ACC (N frade))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,09.92))

10.17.2 be-XP-Pred, with a lexical WH-element ('wh-cleft')

No null complementizer is added
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
	  (SR-D Foi)
	  (NP-2 (PRO ele))
	  (CP-CLF (WNP-1 (WPRO quem))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
			  (NP-ACC (CL me))
			  (VB-D crismou)))
	  (, ,)) (ID ALORNA,70.1059))

10.17.3 XP-be-Pred, with a lexical complementizer

The subject is *exp* even when there is a lexical NP preceding 'be'. This NP, which does not agree with the verb, is labelled NP-ACC. A null operator coindexed with a trace in the subordinate clause is added.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (NP-ACC (D-P Os) (N-P pregadores))
	  (SR-P é)
	  (CP-CLF (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
			  (VB-D levavam)
			  (NP-ACC (Q muito) (ADJ-F má) (N vida))))
(, ,)) (ID ALORNA,24.335))
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (ADVP (NP (FP Só) (D-UM um) (N mês))
		(ADV depois)
		(PP (P de)
		    (IP-INF (VB ocupar)
			    (NP-ACC (D-F a) (N capital)))))
	  (SR-P é)
	  (CP-CLF (WADVP-1 0)
		  (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-1)
			  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
			  (VB-D pôde)
			  (IP-INF (VB reunir)
				  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
					  (N força)
					  (PP (P de)
					      (NP (NUMP (NUM dez) (NUM mil))
						  (N-P homens)))))))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,32.461))

10.17.4 XP-be-Pred, with a lexical WH-element ('inverted pseudocleft').

The preverbal NP, which agrees with the verb, is co-indexed with the expletive null subject.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
	  (NP-2 (D O)
		(PRO$ seu)
		(N quarto)
		(PP (P em)
		    (NP (D o) (NPR Paço))))
	  (SR-D era)
	  (CP-CLF (WADVP-1 (WADV onde))
		  (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-1)
			  (NP-SBJ (D-P os) (N-P parentes) (CONJ e) (N-P amigos))
			  (VB-D esperavam)
			  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
				  (N ocasião)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (IP-INF (NP-SBJ *pro*)
					      (SR-F serem)
					      (VB-AN-P apresentados)
					      (PP (P a)
						  (NP (D-P os) (NPR-P Príncipes))))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,05.32))

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
	  (NP-2 (D Este)
		(N trajo)
		(, ,)
		(ADJP-PRN (PP (P em)
			      (NP (N verdade)))
			  (Q pouco)
			  (ADJ-G militar)))
	  (, ,)
	  (SR-D foi)
	  (CP-CLF (WNP-1 (D o) (WPRO que))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-1)
			  (VB-D usou)
			  (NP-SBJ (D aquele) (NPR General))
			  (PP (P durante)
			      (NP (Q-F toda) (D-F a) (N guerra)))))
	  (. .))
  (ID ALORNA,124.1941))

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *exp*-5)
	  (PP (P entre)
	      (NP (PRO eles)))
	  (NP-5 (D-F a) (N fama))
	  (SR-P é)
	  (CP-CLF (WPP-1 (P a@)
			 (NP (D @o) (WPRO que)))
		  (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
			  (ADV-R mais)
			  (NP-ACC (CL nos))
			  (VB-P inclina)
			  (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N vaidade))
			  (, ;)
			  (IP-GER (SR-G sendo)
				  (CP-THT (C que)
					  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D o)
							  (ADJ mesmo)
							  (N ar)
							  (, ,)
							  (CP-REL (WNP-2 (WPRO que))
								  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-2)
									  (NP-3 (CL lhe))
									  (VB-P dilata)
									  (NP-ACC (D-P os)
										  (N-P ecos)
										  (NP-GEN *-3)))))
						  (, ,)
						  (NP-4 (CL lhe))
						  (VB-P (VB-P confunde) (, ,) (CONJ e) (VB-P apaga))
						  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
							  (N voz)
							  (NP-GEN *-4)))))))
	  (. .))
  (ID AIRES,24.406))

10.17.5 Pred-Be-XP, with a lexical WH-element

The post-verbal NP, which agrees with 'be', is co-indexed with *exp*.
	  (NP-SBJ *exp*-2)
	  (PP (P por)
	      (NP (DEM isso)))
	  (CP-CLF (WNP-1 (WPRO quem))
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
			  (VB-D formava)
			  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
				  (ADJ-R-G maior)
				  (N parte)
				  (PP (P de)
				      (NP (D-F a) (N sociedade))))))
	  (SR-D eram)
	  (NP-2 (D-P os) (N-P oficiais) (ADJ-P franceses))
	  (. .)) (ID ALORNA,52.780))

10.17.6 Pred-Be-XP, with no WH-element and no lexical complementizer ('basic semipseudocleft')

						(NP-SBJ *exp*)
						(CP-CLF	(WPP-1 0)
							(IP-SUB	(PP *T*-1) 
								(NP-SBJ	(Q tudo))
								(VB-P-3S gosta)))
						(SR-P-3S é)
						(PP	(P de)
							(NP (N carne) 
							    (ADJ-F fresca)))
Up to now, no cases of this construction were found in the Tycho Brahe Corpus.

11 Coordination

11.1 Coordination of NPs and APs.

11.1.1 At the level of the phrase

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D-F esta))
	  (VB-P diminui)
	  (NP-ACC (NP (D-F a) (N estimação))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (NP (D o) (N respeito))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,28.467))

(CP-ADV (C porque)
		  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
			  (ADVP (ADV também))
			  (HV-P há)
			  (NP-ACC (N-P verdades)
				  (ADJP (ADJP (ADJ-F-P fantásticas))
					(, ,)
					(CONJP (CONJ e)
					       (ADJP (VB-AN-F-P compostas)
						     (PP (ADV somente)
							 (P de)
							 (NP (N-P ilusões)))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,34.589))
NB. In the case of NPs, the function is annotated only once, at the uppermost level.

11.1.2 At the level of the head

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NP-ADV (Q-F-P muitas) (N-P vezes))
	  (VB-P procede)
	  (PP (P de)
	      (NP (D-UM-F uma)
		  (N violência)
		  (ADJP (ADJ-G interior) (, ,) (CONJ e) (ADJ-F oculta))))
	  (. ;)) (ID AIRES,36.616))

11.1.3 At an intermediate level

When the coordination is not at the level of the phrase but lower, the second conjunct is labelled as NX or AX, and no phrase dominates the first conjunct.
    ( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (ADVP (ADV finalmente))
	  (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
		  (N vaidade)
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ ou)
			 (NX (N amor)))
		  (PP (P de@)
		      (NP (D-F @a) (N reputação))))
	  (NP-5 (CL os))
	  (VB-P faz)
	  (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-5)
		  (ADJP (ADJ-P virtuosos)))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,25.413))

11.2 Coordination of clauses

11.2.1 Independent coordinated clauses

No CONJP is projected and CONJ is immediately dominated by IP-MAT.
( (IP-MAT (ET-D Estava)
	  (NP-SBJ (Q-F toda) (D-F aquela) (N gente))
	  (PP (P pel@)
	      (NP (D-F @a) (ADJ-R-G maior) (N parte)))
	  (ADJP (ADJ-F inculta))
	  (. ;)) (ID B_001,131.1056))

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (ADVP (ADV ainda)
		(CP-ADV (C que)
			(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (Q-P alguns))
				(VB-SD soubessem)
				(NP-ACC (Q-F-P algumas)
					(N-P orações)
					(, ,)
					(CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO que))
						(IP-SUB (NP-ACC *T*-1)
							(NP-SBJ (PRO$ seus) (N-P senhores))
							(NP-DAT (CL lhes))
							(VB-D ensinavam)
							(PP (P n@)
							    (NP (D-F @a) (N língua) (ADJ-F Portuguesa)))))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (NEG não)
	  (VB-D faziam)
	  (NP-ACC (D o) (N conceito) (ADJ devido))
	  (, ,)) (ID B_001,131.1057))

11.2.2 Dependent coordinated clauses

The conjoined matrix IPs share some constituent. In this case, CONJP is projected, and the IP-MATs are co-indexed.
( (IP-MAT (IP-MAT-1 (CONJ mas)
		    (PP (CONJ-NEG nem)
			(P a)
			(NP (D-F-P essas)))
		    (VB-P perdoa)
		    (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N vaidade))
		    (. ,)
		    (CP-ADV (C pois)
			    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				    (ADVP (ADV nunca))
				    (VB-P quer)
				    (CP-THT (C que)
					    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
						    (VB-SP fiquem)
						    (ADJP (ADJ-F-P indecisas)))))))
	  (, ,)
	  (CONJP (CONJ mas)
		 (IP-MAT-1 (ADVP (ADV infelizmente))
			   (, ,)
			   (CP-ADV (C porque)
				   (IP-SUB (PP (P em@)
					       (NP (PRO @elas)))
					   (ADVP (ADV sempre))
					   (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
						   (N solução)
						   (PP (P de@)
						       (NP (D-F @a) (N dúvida))))
					   (VB-P vem)
					   (PP (P a)
					       (IP-INF (VB consistir)
						       (PP (P em)
							   (NP (OUTRO-F outra) (N dúvida) (ADJ-R-G maior)))))))))
	  (. .)) (ID AIRES,29.498))

( (IP-MAT (IP-MAT-1 (ADVP (ADV Assim))
		    (TR-R teria)
		    (NP-ACC (N socorro))
		    (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
			    (N pobreza)
			    (PP (P d@)
				(NP (D-P @os) (N-P soldados)))))
	  (, ,)
	  (CONJP (CONJ e)
		 (IP-MAT-1 (NP-SBJ (ADJ-R-P tantos)
				   (VB-AN-P derrotados)
				   (PP (P d@)
				       (NP (D @o) (N mar))))
			   (NP-ACC (N asilo))))
	  (. ;)) (ID B_001,136.1095))

11.2.3 Subordinate coordinated clauses

In subordination contexts, the conjunction of IPs always involves a CONJP level.
( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (PP (P com)
	      (NP (N coração)
		  (ADJ presago)
		  (PP (P d@)
		      (NP (D @o) (N futuro)))))
	  (VB-D ajuizava)
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-THT (C que)
		  (IP-SUB (IP-SUB (PP-1 (P d@)
					(NP (D @o) (N milagre)))
				  (TR-D tinha)
				  (NP-SBJ (D o) (NPR Céu))
				  (VB-PP feito)
				  (NP-ACC (D-F a)
					  (ADJ-F primeira)
					  (N parte)
					  (PP *ICH*-1)))
			  (, ,)
			  (CONJP (IP-SUB (VB-D restava)
					 (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (ADJ-F segunda))))))
	  (. .)) (ID B_001,152.1234))

11.2.4 Coordination of CPs

Coordination of embedded clauses is treated as CP conjunction whenever the second conjunct includes overt CP material (complementizer or wh-phrase), as in the following scheme:
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (VB-D Via)
	  (, ,)
	  (CP-THT (CP-THT (C que)
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D-P os) (N-P cativeiros) (ADJ-P injustos))
				  (SR-D eram)
				  (PP (P sem)
				      (NP (N conto)))))
		  (, ,)
		  (CONJP (CONJ e)
			 (CP-THT (C que)
				 (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D este) (N pecado))
					 (VB-D levava)
					 (PP-ACC (P a@)
						 (NP (D-P @aqueles) (N-P moradores)))
					 (PP (P d@)
					     (NP (D @o) (NPR Inferno)))))))
	  (. .)) (ID B_001,145.1183))

11.2.5 Parenthetical coordinated clauses

Coordination of clauses with some shared complement or adjoined constituent on the right. In this case, the second conjunct is labelled as -PRN (parenthetical), and no CONJP is projected.

( (IP-MAT-2 (SR-D Era)
	    (ADJP (ADJ-F viva))
	    (PP (P n@)
		(NP (D @aquele) (N tempo)))
	    (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
		    (N fama)
		    (PP *ICH*-3))
	    (, ,)
	    (IP-MAT-PRN-2 (CONJ e)
			  (ADJP (ADJ-F fresca))
			  (NP-SBJ (D-F a) (N memória)))
	    (PP-3 (P d@)
		  (NP (D-P @os)
		      (ADJ-G-P singulares)
		      (NPR-P Varões)
		      (, ,)
		      (CP-REL (WPP-1 (P com)
				     (NP (WPRO que)))
			      (IP-SUB (PP *T*-1)
				      (PP (P n@)
					  (NP (D-F-P @as)
					      (N-P conquistas)
					      (PP (PP (P de)
						      (NP (NPR Portugal)))
						  (, ,)
						  (CONJP (CONJ e)
							 (PP (P d@)
							     (NP (D-F @a) (NPR Igreja)))))))
				      (NP-SE (CL se))
				      (VB-D ilustrava)
				      (NP-SBJ (D-F a)
					      (NPR Companhia)
					      (PP (P de)
						  (NP (NPR JESUS))))))))
	    (. .))
  (ID B_001,10.81))

11.3 Coordination of Verbs

Verbs can be conjoined when they share all the arguments of the clause.

( (IP-MAT (CONJ e)
	  (NP-SBJ *pro*)
	  (NP-ACC (CL se))
	  (VB-P esconde)
	  (PP (P de)
	      (NP (ADJ-R-G tal)
		  (N sorte)
		  (, ,)
		  (CP-DEG (C que)
			  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *pro*)
				  (PP-LFD (P a)
					  (NP (PRO si) (FP mesma)))
				  (NP-ACC-RSP (CL se))
				  (VB-P (VB-P oculta) (, ,) (CONJ e) (VB-P ignora))))))
	  (. :))
  (ID AIRES,12.111))